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"It seems the Patriarch has been browsing some of our community’s forums and saw how much our fans wanted an Endless Mode for Killing Floor 2 because he went and built one. We decided to roll with it rather than argue with the large tentacle monster with a chain gun and have built the next update around the Patriarch’s… helpful efforts. Welcome to Infinite Onslaught, where the killing never stops!"

Endless Mode was added in game in March, 27th 2018 as a part of Infinite Onslaught update http://www.killingfloor2.com/infiniteonslaught18/

Difficulty Traits

  • Every 5 rounds, after the boss wave there happening difficulty increment. Initial difficulty has impact on ZED's special abilities for the first waves, but eventually they'll get all of them.
  • Starting from wave 7 and further, each wave will be having a chance to turn into either "Outbreak" or "Special" wave. "Outbreak" possibility (RNG roll) is always checked first.
  • Starting from wave 21 (HOE+) every spawned ZED getting a chance to become upgraded (replaced) into another ZED type. Chances grow as the game goes.
  • Special wave contains ZEDs of the same type, Outbreak wave is one from either "Boom", "Tiny Terrors", "Bobble ZED", "Poundemonium", "Up, Up, and Decay" or "Beefcake".
  • Every players earns the same amount of dosh for killing bosses, equal to their kill rewards.

Common Modifiers

Independently from the actual game difficulty, every game split into 5 difficulty sections, starting from the "normal" and ending up with "hoe plus".

Difficulty Waves 1 - 5 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 16 - 20 Wave 21+ Increment for every 5 waves from wave 26
Normal Trader Time = 75 Trader Time = 75 Trader Time = 75 Trader Time = 75 Trader Time = 75 Trader Time = 0
Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.8 RespawnDosh = 300 Wave Count Mod = 0.9 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Global Health Mod = 0.0
Movement Speed Mod = 0.9 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.8 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.7 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.68 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.68 Movement Speed Mod = 0.0
Wave Count Mod = 0.75 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 1.0 Wave Count Mod = 0.1
Dosh Kill Mod = 1.1 Wave Count Mod = 0.8 Dosh Kill Mod = 1 Dosh Kill Mod = 1 Dosh Kill Mod = 1 Spawn Rate Modifier = -0.3
Starting Dosh = 300 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.4 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Dosh Kill Mod = -0.01
Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.4 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.3 Item Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Starting Dosh = 0
Item Pickups Mod = 0.45 Item Pickups Mod = 0.35 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 RespawnDosh = 0
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.1 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.1 Hard Attack Chance = 0.5 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.2
--- --- Self Inflicted Damage= 0.1 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.2
--- Self Inflicted Damage= 0.1 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.1 WeakAttackChance = 0.0
--- --- Medium Attack Chance = 0.0
Hard Attack Chance = 0.0
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.0
Hard Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 0
RespawnDosh = 300 Wave Count Mod = 0.8 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Global Health Mod = 0.0
Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.8 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.7 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.68 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.65 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.6 Movement Speed Mod = 0.0
Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 0.85 Wave Count Mod = 0.9 Wave Count Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 0.1
Wave Count Mod = 0.75 Dosh Kill Mod = 1 Dosh Kill Mod = 1 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Spawn Rate Modifier = -0.3
Dosh Kill Mod = 1.1 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.4 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Dosh Kill Mod = -0.01
Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.3 Item Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Starting Dosh = 0
Item Pickups Mod = 0.35 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 RespawnDosh = 0
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Hard Attack Chance = 0.5 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.2
--- Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.2
--- Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 WeakAttackChance = 0.0
--- --- --- Medium Attack Chance = 0.0
Hard Attack Chance = 0.0
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.0
Suicidal Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 0
Wave Count Mod = 0.75 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Global Health Mod = 0.0
Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.7 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.68 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.65 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.6 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.55 Movement Speed Mod = 0.0
Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 0.8 Wave Count Mod = 0.9 Wave Count Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 1.0 Wave Count Mod = 0.1
Dosh Kill Mod = 1.1 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Spawn Rate Modifier = -0.3
Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.4 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Dosh Kill Mod = -0.01
Item Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Starting Dosh = 0
Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 RespawnDosh = 0
Hard Attack Chance = 0.5 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.2
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.2
--- Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.2 WeakAttackChance = 0.0
--- --- --- --- Medium Attack Chance = 0.0
Hard Attack Chance = 0.0
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.0
HOE Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 60 Trader Time = 0
Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Movement Speed Mod = 0.95 Global Health Mod = 0.0
Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.68 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.65 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.6 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.55 Spawn Rate Modifier = 0.50 Movement Speed Mod = 0.0
Wave Count Mod = 0.85 Wave Count Mod = 0.9 Wave Count Mod = 0.95 Wave Count Mod = 1.0 Wave Count Mod = 1.05 Wave Count Mod = 0.1
Dosh Kill Mod = 1.1 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Dosh Kill Mod = 1.0 Spawn Rate Modifier = -0.3
Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Starting Dosh = 250 Dosh Kill Mod = -0.01
Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.25 Starting Dosh = 0
Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 Item Pickups Mod = 0.1 RespawnDosh = 0
Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Medium Attack Chance = 1.0 Ammo Pickups Mod = 0.2
Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Hard Attack Chance = 1.0 Item Pickups Mod = 0.2
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.5 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.5 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.5 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.5 Self Inflicted Damage= 0.5 WeakAttackChance = 0.0
--- --- --- --- --- Medium Attack Chance = 0.0
Hard Attack Chance = 0.0
Self Inflicted Damage= 0.0

Health / Damage calculation

Two of the tables below (ZED modifiers by difficulty and ZED adjustments by difficulty) used for calculation of ZED's health and damage values.

Health calculation: Final health value = ZED's default HP x HealthMod x (1 + (Num Players - 1) x Per Player Mod) x Health Scale

ZED's default HP values: Clots - 100, Rioter (aka Alpha King) - 300, Bloat - 405, Crawler - 55, Gorefast - 200, Gorefiend - 400, Stalker - 75, Husk - 462, Siren - 230, Scrake - 1100, Quarter Pound - 750, Fleshpound - 1500, Hans Volter - 7420, Patriarch - 3750, King Fleshpound - 8750, Abomination - 9000.

Per Player Mod: Ignore this value for all other ZEDs but further mentioned OR when there is only 1 player on server, in such case (1 + (Num Players - 1) x Per Player Mod) = 1. Otherwise for 2 or more players: Scrake - 0.39, Quarter Pound - 0.2, Fleshpound - 0.39, Hans Volter - 0.75, Patriarch - 0.5, King Fleshpound - 0.39, Abomination - 0.4.

Ignore Health Scale if it is not in "ZED adjustments by difficulty" table.

ZED head HP values are not the subject of Endless difficulty change, essentially they are the same as in normal Survival games.

Shield HP multiplier: Shield has the same HP multiplier as health, however starting from wave 26 within 5 wave intervals it is being constantly increased by +1.

Note: as for v1.063 Health calculation somehow bugged - in the formula above it multiplies Health Scale twice.

Damage calculation: Default damage value multiplied by DamageMod AND SoloDamageMod (if it Solo game). Note that melee attacks also have additional damage multiplier.

Final damage = Base Damage x DamageMod x SoloDamageMod x PerMeleeAttackMod

Dosh reward (DoshGiven value) is a subject of change, see Gameplay - Dosh mechanics.

ZED modifiers by difficulty
Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5
Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.85, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Crawler: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Gorefast: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4, Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Bloat: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.3, Bloat: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Husk: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.35, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Scrake: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 0.425, SoloDamageMod = 0.425 Scrake: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Fleshpound: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.125, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.5, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.15, DamageMod = 1.05, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Hans: HealthMod = 0.71, DamageMod = 0.54, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.82, DamageMod = 0.73, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Hans: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.91, DamageMod = 1.18, SoloDamageMod = 0.51
Patriarch: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.67, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.81, SoloDamageMod = 0.42 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.13, DamageMod = 1.47, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.39, DamageMod = 1.45, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.63, DamageMod = 0.51, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.83, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.65, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.8, DamageMod = 0.85 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.9, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 BloatKing: HealthMod = 1.05, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.35, DamageMod = 0.2 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.95, DamageMod = 0.75 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10
Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.85, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Crawler: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Gorefast: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Bloat: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Bloat: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Husk: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.35, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Scrake: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 0.425, SoloDamageMod = 0.425 Scrake: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Fleshpound: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.125, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.5, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.15, DamageMod = 1.05, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Hans: HealthMod = 0.71, DamageMod = 0.54, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.82, DamageMod = 0.73, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Hans: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.91, DamageMod = 1.18, SoloDamageMod = 0.51
Patriarch: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.67, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.81, SoloDamageMod = 0.42 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.13, DamageMod = 1.47, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.39, DamageMod = 1.45, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.63, DamageMod = 0.51, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.83, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.65, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.8, DamageMod = 0.85 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.9, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 BloatKing: HealthMod = 1.05, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.35, DamageMod = 0.2 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.95, DamageMod = 0.75 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15
Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.85, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Crawler: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Gorefast: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Bloat: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Bloat: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Husk: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.35, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Scrake: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 0.425, SoloDamageMod = 0.425 Scrake: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Fleshpound: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.125, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.5, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.15, DamageMod = 1.05, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Hans: HealthMod = 0.71, DamageMod = 0.54, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.82, DamageMod = 0.73, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Hans: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.91, DamageMod = 1.18, SoloDamageMod = 0.51
Patriarch: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.67, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.81, SoloDamageMod = 0.42 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.13, DamageMod = 1.47, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.39, DamageMod = 1.45, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.63, DamageMod = 0.51, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.83, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.65, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.8, DamageMod = 0.85 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.9, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 BloatKing: HealthMod = 1.05, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.35, DamageMod = 0.2 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.95, DamageMod = 0.75 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20
Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.85, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Crawler: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Gorefast: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Bloat: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Bloat: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Husk: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.35, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Scrake: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 0.425, SoloDamageMod = 0.425 Scrake: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Fleshpound: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.125, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.5, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.15, DamageMod = 1.05, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Hans: HealthMod = 0.71, DamageMod = 0.54, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.82, DamageMod = 0.73, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Hans: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.91, DamageMod = 1.18, SoloDamageMod = 0.51
Patriarch: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.67, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.81, SoloDamageMod = 0.42 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.13, DamageMod = 1.47, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.39, DamageMod = 1.45, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.63, DamageMod = 0.51, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.83, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.65, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.8, DamageMod = 0.85 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.9, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 BloatKing: HealthMod = 1.05, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.35, DamageMod = 0.2 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.95, DamageMod = 0.75 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Wave 21+ Wave 21+ Wave 21+ Wave 21+
Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Cyst: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Alpha: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_AlphaKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Clot_Slasher: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.85, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Siren: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Stalker: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Crawler: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 Crawler: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 CrawlerKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
Gorefast: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 Gorefast: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.8 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65 GorefastDualBlade: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Bloat: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.4, SoloDamageMod = 0.3 Bloat: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Bloat: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Husk: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.35, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.75 Husk: HealthMod = 1.3, DamageMod = 1.5, SoloDamageMod = 0.75
Scrake: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 0.425, SoloDamageMod = 0.425 Scrake: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Scrake: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Fleshpound: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1.125, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Fleshpound: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.25, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.5, DamageMod = 0.31, SoloDamageMod = 0.31 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.65, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundMini: HealthMod = 1.15, DamageMod = 1.05, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
Hans: HealthMod = 0.71, DamageMod = 0.54, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.82, DamageMod = 0.73, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 Hans: HealthMod = 0.85, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.4 Hans: HealthMod = 0.91, DamageMod = 1.18, SoloDamageMod = 0.51
Patriarch: HealthMod = 0.75, DamageMod = 0.67, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 0.81, SoloDamageMod = 0.42 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.13, DamageMod = 1.47, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 Patriarch: HealthMod = 1.39, DamageMod = 1.45, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.63, DamageMod = 0.51, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 0.83, DamageMod = 0.75, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1, SoloDamageMod = 0.5 FleshpoundKing: HealthMod = 1.2, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.65
BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.65, DamageMod = 0.7, SoloDamageMod = 0.35 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.8, DamageMod = 0.85 BloatKing: HealthMod = 0.9, DamageMod = 1.15, SoloDamageMod = 0.41 BloatKing: HealthMod = 1.05, DamageMod = 1.2, SoloDamageMod = 0.52
BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.35, DamageMod = 0.2 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 0.95, DamageMod = 0.75 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1 BloatKing Spawn: HealthMod = 1, DamageMod = 1
ZED adjustments by difficulty (DamageDealtScale is not in use, ignore it)
Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5
Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.62, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.62, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.62, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.62, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250
Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.5, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.5, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.5, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.5, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5
Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250
Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.42, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 11
Hans: HealthScale = 0.45, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Hans: HealthScale = 0.45, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Hans: HealthScale = 0.45, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Hans: HealthScale = 0.45, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250
Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.65, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.65, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.65, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.65, DamageDealtScale = 0.75, DoshGiven = 250
Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10
Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500
Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5
Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500
Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 0.84, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11
Hans: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Hans: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Hans: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Hans: HealthScale = 0.85, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500
Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.9, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.9, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.9, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.9, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 500
Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15
Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Bloat King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800
Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5 Abomination Spawn: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 5
Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800
Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11 Fleshpound Mini: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 0.85, DoshGiven = 11
Hans: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Hans: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Hans: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Hans: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800
Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800 Patriarch: HealthScale = 0.95, DamageDealtScale = 0.95, DoshGiven = 800
Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20
Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Wave 21+ Wave 21+ Wave 21+ Wave 21+
Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Patriarch: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Hans: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Bloat King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000
Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000 Fleshpound King: HealthScale = 1.0, DamageDealtScale = 1.0, DoshGiven = 1000

Chances for next wave to be an "Outbreak" wave

Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Waves 1-6 Waves 1-6 Waves 1-6 Waves 1-6
Outbreak wave chances = 0.0 Outbreak wave chances = 0.0 Outbreak wave chances = 0.0 Outbreak wave chances = 0.0
Waves 7-11 Waves 7-11 Waves 7-11 Waves 7-11
Outbreak wave chances = 0.2 Outbreak wave chances = 0.2 Outbreak wave chances = 0.2 Outbreak wave chances = 0.2
Waves 12-16 Waves 12-16 Waves 12-16 Waves 12-16
Outbreak wave chances = 0.3 Outbreak wave chances = 0.3 Outbreak wave chances = 0.3 Outbreak wave chances = 0.3
Waves 17-21 Waves 17-21 Waves 17-21 Waves 17-21
Outbreak wave chances = 0.4 Outbreak wave chances = 0.4 Outbreak wave chances = 0.4 Outbreak wave chances = 0.4
Wave 22+ Wave 22+ Wave 22+ Wave 22+
Outbreak wave chances = 0.5 Outbreak wave chances = 0.5 Outbreak wave chances = 0.5 Outbreak wave chances = 0.5

Chances for next wave to be a "Special" wave

Whether this wave will contain ZEDs of only one type or not depend on two random variables. First one rolls the dice at the beginning of each wave (odds above in "Chances for next wave to be a "Special" wave" table). If first value matches the RNG, there happening another, more complicated evaluation.

Firstly games picks proper list (see below) of ZEDs that can be deployed during this particular wave. Then it discards all ZEDs that have no chance to appear (i.e. Chance = 0). From this point game start using RNG to determine if is valid to deploy certain ZED class. For every unsuccessful RNG attempt game increases odds of picking next ZED type in the list by its Chance value. If RNG fails to pick any of ZED types, game returns Cyst ZED type.

Proper list order is: Cyst - Slasher - Crawler - Stalker - Siren - Husk - Scrake - Alpha Clot - Gorefast - Bloat - Fleshpound.

For example, Waves 17 - 21 of initial HOE difficulty have following odds (listed in a proper order): Husk = 0.1, Scrake = 0.1, Gorefast = 0.1 and Bloat = 0.1. At this point every wave will be having 0.4 (40%) chance to become "special". If it would appear so, the odds of spawning said ZEDs will be: Husk = 10%, Scrake = 10% + 10% = 20%, Gorefast = 20% + 10% = 30% and for Bloat it will be 40% chance to spawn. If neither of ZEDs types will be chosen by RNG, game will deploy Cysts only wave.

Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Waves 1-6 Waves 1-6 Waves 1-6 Waves 1-6
Special wave chance = 0.0 Special wave chances = 0.0 Special wave chances = 0.0 Special wave chances = 0.0
Waves 7-11 Waves 7-11 Waves 7-11 Waves 7-11
Special wave chances = 0.2 Special wave chances = 0.2 Special wave chances = 0.2 Special wave chances = 0.2
Waves 12-16 Waves 12-16 Waves 12-16 Waves 12-16
Special wave chances = 0.3 Special wave chances = 0.3 Special wave chances = 0.3 Special wave chances = 0.3
Waves 17-21 Waves 17-21 Waves 17-21 Waves 17-21
Special wave chances = 0.4 Special wave chances = 0.4 Special wave chances = 0.4 Special wave chances = 0.4
Wave 22+ Wave 22+ Wave 22+ Wave 22+
Special wave chances = 0.5 Special wave chances = 0.5 Special wave chances = 0.5 Special wave chances = 0.5
Spawn Odds
Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5 Waves 1 - 5
ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.0
ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0
ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0
Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10 Waves 6 - 10
ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.1
ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1
ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0
ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0
Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15 Waves 11 - 15
ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.1
ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1
ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0
ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.0
Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20 Waves 16 - 20
ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1
ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0
ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1
Wave 21+ Wave 21+ Wave 21+ Wave 21+
ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Clot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = AlphaClot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0 ZED = GoreFast, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Bloat, Chance = 0.1
ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.1 ZED = FleshPound, Chance = 0.0
ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0 ZED = SlasherClot, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Crawler, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Stalker, Chance = 0.0
ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Siren, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.0 ZED = Husk, Chance = 0.1
ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1 ZED = Scrake, Chance = 0.1

ZED Upgrade Chances

Starting from wave 21 (HOE+) every spawned ZED getting a chance to become upgraded into another ZED type (i.e. to become replaced with the stronger ZED type). ZED can upgrade "normally" or "fully", either means that on spawn this ZED will be replaced with another ZED type.

Starting values (as of wave 21), for all ZEDs: "normal" upgrade chance = 1%, "full" upgrade chance = 0.1%. With every next wave these values getting increased by +1% for "normal" and +0.1% for "full", e.g. 2% / 0.2% at wave 22, 3% / 0.3% at wave 23 etc. Upgrade chance values have no limit, eventually they will become 100% (although "full" update will not have its full effect due to Endless limit of 254 waves).

When it comes to upgrade evaluation, game firstly checks for the "full" update capabilities and then for "normal" upgrades. Dice rolls for every spawned ZED individually.

ZEDs to be replaced by upgraded types
Full upgrade (0.1% starting from wave 21 +0.1% for every next wave) Normal upgrade (1% starting from wave 21 +1% for every next wave)
SlasherClot to Scrake Clot to AlphaClot
Crawler SlasherClot to Stalker
Stalker AlphaClot to GoreFast
Siren Crawler to SlasherClot
Husk GoreFast to Bloat
Scrake Stalker to Siren
Clot to Fleshpound Bloat to FleshpoundMini
AlphaClot Siren to Husk
GoreFast Husk to Scrake
Bloat FleshpoundMini to Fleshpound
FleshpoundMini Scrakes do not upgrade
FleshPound Fleshpound to not upgrade

Squads To Deploy

Regardless from game difficulty, game will be deploying exact same squads during the wave time. Note that Special Squads are still the subject of RNG change.

Squads to deploy during the wave time (NAMES)
Normal difficulty Hard difficulty Suicidal difficulty HOE difficulty
Waves 1 - 5
ZED_Wave1_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave1_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave1_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave1_Endless_Norm
ZED_Wave2_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave2_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave2_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave2_Endless_Norm
ZED_Wave3_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave3_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave3_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave3_Endless_Norm
ZED_Wave4_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave4_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave4_Endless_Norm ZED_Wave4_Endless_Norm
ZED_Boss_Endless_Norm ZED_Boss_Endless_Norm ZED_Boss_Endless_Norm ZED_Boss_Endless_Norm
Waves 6 - 10
ZED_Wave5_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave5_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave5_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave5_Endless_Hard
ZED_Wave6_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave6_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave6_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave6_Endless_Hard
ZED_Wave7_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave7_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave7_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave7_Endless_Hard
ZED_Wave8_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave8_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave8_Endless_Hard ZED_Wave8_Endless_Hard
ZED_Boss_Endless_Hard ZED_Boss_Endless_Hard ZED_Boss_Endless_Hard ZED_Boss_Endless_Hard
Waves 11 - 15
ZED_Wave9_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave9_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave9_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave9_Endless_SUI
ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI
ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI
ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI ZED_Wave10_Endless_SUI
ZED_Boss_Endless_SUI ZED_Boss_Endless_SUI ZED_Boss_Endless_SUI ZED_Boss_Endless_SUI
Waves 16 - 20
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE
Wave 21+
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE ZED_Wave10_Endless_HOE
ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE ZED_Boss_Endless_HOE
Squads to deploy during the wave time (CONTENT)
Wave1_Endless_Norm Wave5_Endless_Hard Wave8_Endless_Hard Wave10_Endless_SUI
UClot4 AClot3_SClot1 AClot3_SClot1 AClot3_SClot1
UClot4_Bloat1 Crawler2 UClot4_Bloat1 Crawler4
UClot3_AClot1_Gorefast1 Crawler4 Crawler2 UClot3_Bloat1
AClot3_SClot1 Stalker2 Crawler4 SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1
Special squad AClot2_Gorefast2 Stalker2 AClot2_Gorefast2
SS_SClot6 SClot1_Gorefast3 SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1 SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1
Wave2_Endless_Norm UClot3_Gorefast1_Siren1 AClot2_Gorefast2 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1
UClot3_AClot1 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1 AClot2_Scrake1
UClot3_SClot1_Bloat1 Stalker4 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 SClot2_GF3_Scrk1
Crawler2 Gorefast4 AClot2_Scrake1 Crawler2_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren2
Crawler4 Crawler6 SClot2_GF3_Scrk1 UClot3_AClot1_Gorefast1
Stalker2 Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker2_Siren1 UClot4 UClot4
SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1 AClot2_Gorefast1_Husk1 Stalker4 Stalker4
AClot2_Gorefast2 Special squad Gorefast4 Gorefast4
UClot3_AClot1_Gorefast1 SS_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker1_Scrake1 Crawler6 Crawler6
UClot4 Wave6_Endless_Hard Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker2_Siren1 SClot2_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Siren2
Husk1 AClot3_SClot1 SClot2_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Siren2 Husk1
Special squad UClot3_SClot1_Bloat1 Husk1 Husk2
SS_SClot6_Crawler6 Crawler2 AClot2_Gorefast1_Husk1 Special squad
Wave3_Endless_Norm Crawler4 Special squad AA_Fl2_Scrake1
UClot3_AClot1 Stalker2 SS_Bloat1_Siren1_Fleshpound2 AA_Fl2_Scrake2
Crawler2 SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1 AA_QP5 AA_Fl1_Scrake3
Crawler4 SClot1_Gorefast3 Wave9_Endless_SUI AA_Fl3
AClot3_Bloat1 SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1 AClot3_SClot1 AA_Scrake2_Stalker4
SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 UClot4_Bloat1 AA_Fl2_Scrake3
SClot1_Gorefast3 AClot2_Scrake1 Crawler2 AA_QP4
UClot3_Gorefast1_Siren1 UClot3_AClot1_Gorefast1 Crawler4 AA_QP5
Stalker4 UClot4 Stalker2 Wave10_Endless_HOE
Gorefast4 Stalker4 SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1 AClot3_SClot1
Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker2_Siren1 Gorefast4 AClot2_Gorefast2 Crawler4
Husk1 Crawler6 SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1 UClot3_Bloat1
Special squad Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker2_Siren1 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1
SS_SClot6_Crawler6 SClot2_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Siren2 AClot2_Scrake1 AClot2_Gorefast2
Wave4_Endless_Norm Husk1 SClot2_GF3_Scrk1 SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1
UClot3_AClot1 AClot2_Gorefast1_Husk1 UClot4 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1
Crawler4 Special squad Stalker4 AClot2_Scrake1
UClot3_Bloat1 SS_Bloat1_Siren1_Fleshpound1 Gorefast4 SClot2_GF3_Scrk1
Stalker2 AA_QP3 Crawler6 Crawler2_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren2
AClot2_Gorefast2 Wave7_Endless_Hard Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker2_Siren1 UClot3_AClot1_Gorefast1
SClot1_Gorefast3 UClot3_AClot1 SClot2_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Siren2 UClot4
UClot3_Gorefast1_Siren1 Crawler4 Husk2 Stalker4
UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 UClot3_Bloat1 Special squad Gorefast4
UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 SClot1_AClot2_Gorefast1 AA_Fl2_Scrake1 Crawler6
Gorefast4 AClot2_Gorefast2 AA_Fl2_Scrake2 SClot2_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Siren2
Crawler6 SClot2_Crawler3_Gorefast1 AA_Fl1_Scrake3 Husk1
Crawler2_Gorefast2_Stalker2_Siren1 UClot3_Crawler1_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren1 AA_Fl3 Husk2
Husk1 SClot2_GF3_Scrk1 AA_Scrake2_Stalker4 Special squad
Special squad Crawler2_Stalker2_Bloat1_Siren2 AA_Fl2_Scrake3 AA_Fl2_Scrake1
SS_Crawlers8 UClot3_AClot1_Gorefast1 AA_QP4 AA_Fl2_QP6
--- UClot4 AA_QP3 AA_Fl1_Scrake3
--- Stalker4 --- AA_Fl3
--- Gorefast4 --- AA_Scrake2_QP4
--- Crawler6 --- AA_Fl2_Scrake3
--- SClot2_Crawler2_Gorefast2_Siren2 --- ---
--- Husk2 --- ---
--- Special squad --- ---
--- SS_Bloat1_Siren1_Fleshpound1 --- ---
--- AA_QP4 --- ---

Amount of ZEDs per wave

Base amount of ZEDs to spawn during the wave. Depend on the current Wave Count Mod and scales up with extra players. For Wave Count Mod see table in Common Modifiers. ZEDs To Spawn = Base Amount x Wave Count Mod x Wave Length modifier

Wave № Base Amount of ZEDs ( Normal / Hard / Suicidal / HOE)
Wave 1 25
Wave 2 28
Wave 3 32
Wave 4 32
Wave 5 boss wave
Wave 6 35
Wave 7 35
Wave 8 35
Wave 9 40
Wave 10 boss wave
Wave 11 42
Wave 12-14 42
Wave 15 boss wave
Wave 16-19 42
Wave 20 boss wave
Wave 21-25 42
Wave Length modifier (per player)
1 player x1
2 players x2
3 players x2.75
4 players x3.5
5 players x4
6 players x4.5

For more than 6 players games: Wave Length modifier increases linearly from x4.5 to x10 (which is the cap) with the interpolation amount of (Num Living Players - 6 / 32 - 6), meaning that x10 cap can be achieved upon having at least 32 players on the server.