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==Gameplay - Afflictions==
==Gameplay - Afflictions==
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==Weapons - Flame tracing / post-firing==
==Weapons - Flame tracing / post-firing==

Much like explosions, flame-based weapons such as Flamethrower or Microwave Gun do not trace any hit zones but torso; it is not possible to hit any other hit zones with this kind of weapons. Note that during the post-firing period (read below) flames DO perform zone tracing in a specific way - for the short period of time, when "flame ending" animation still plays it is become possible to headshot ZED or if this ZED wears an armor (that normally absorbs all indirect damage) to inflict damage to any of its exposed body parts, such as to hit legs. '''''It is also possible to inflict direct damage to any ZED's body part by stayting point blank to the ZED and firing a weapon'''''.
Flame-based weapons (such as [[Flamethrower (Killing Floor 2)|Flamethrower]] or [[Microwave Gun]]) do trace hitzones although it is really to hit a certain on purpose (e.g. head) due to complexity of collision calculation between ZED and flame (which is a physical object), incap effects ("panic") that these weapons apply, weapon recoil and ZED's animations.

Sprays of the flame-based weapons have a post-firing lifetime where they keep doing damage for a short period of time after player releases fire button. It takes 0.35 seconds to finish the "flame ending" animation, during this time weapon will be doing damage without consuming ammo. "Flame ending" animation will be canceled and ended earlier should the player trigger new "flame start" animation.
Sprays of the flame-based weapons have a post-firing lifetime where they keep doing damage for a short period of time after player releases fire button. It takes 0.35 seconds to finish the "flame ending" animation, during this time weapon will be doing damage without consuming ammo. "Flame ending" animation will be canceled and ended earlier should the player trigger new "flame start" animation.
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Clots cannot grab the player for 1 second after grenade throw. Clots cannot grab the player for 0.5 seconds after shooting the healing dart.
Clots cannot grab the player for 1 second after grenade throw. Clots cannot grab the player for 0.5 seconds after shooting the healing dart.

==ZEDs - Damage to take==
== ZEDs - Collision cylinder ==
Around each ZED there is an invisible cylinder that defies its size in the world. On PC version of the game in solo games players may use ''SHOW COLLISION'' command to observe these. ZED will not be able to pass though a narrow path if its cylinder will not fit. Collision cylinder is used for calculations of ballistic-explosive projectile hit detection (such as of [[RPG-7]] rocket, or [[M32 Grenade Launcher|M32]] grenade): if projectile will miss an actual hitzone (''SHOW HITZONES'') it will attempt to collide with collision cylinder to track nearest hitzone and apply direct impact damage anyway.
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3" rowspan="1" |<small>Collision cylinders (double both values for actual size)</small>
| colspan="3" |<small>An invisible cylinder around each ZED that defies its size in the world.</br>On PC in solo game players may use SHOW COLLISION command.</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Object</small>
|<small>Radius, uu</small>
|<small>Height, uu</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Bloat, SC, FP, bosses</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Clots, Stalker, Husk, Siren, E.D.A.R</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Crawler, Abomination Spawn</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Door trigger (default)</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Dropped items</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Eviscerator / Bow projectiles</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Gorefast (-fiend)</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Interactive skills (ex. Supplier)</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Item / Ammo pickups</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Player</small>
| rowspan="1" |<small>Puke Mines</small>
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |<small>Trader pods have a different effective (usable) radius.</small>

== ZEDs - Damage to take ==
ZEDs are resistant and / or vulnerable to certain damage types. Weapon damage upgrade (Base Damage) calculated in the first place, outcome is an integer value, e.g. 25 x 1.1 = 27.5 = 27. Damage reduction on [[Mechanics (Killing Floor 2)#Weapons - Penetration power|penetration]] calculated next. Following damage modification sequence used when ZEDs takes damage:
ZEDs are resistant and / or vulnerable to certain damage types. Weapon damage upgrade (Base Damage) calculated in the first place, outcome is an integer value, e.g. 25 x 1.1 = 27.5 = 27. Damage reduction on [[Mechanics (Killing Floor 2)#Weapons - Penetration power|penetration]] calculated next. Following damage modification sequence used when ZEDs takes damage:

Latest revision as of 00:01, 25 July 2024


Gameplay - Afflictions

Afflictions (also referred to as incapacitations or incaps) are all possible ways to immobilize a ZED. All afflictions stack based on hidden values unique to each ZED called affliction meters, which increase when the ZED is damaged by a weapon with incap power and decrease at a constant rate over time. Each time a ZED is damaged by a weapon with any incapacitation power, the respective affliction meter (be it stun, knockdown, stumble, etc.) increases by a value equal to the incapacitation power of that weapon. Upon reaching the incap threshold the ZED will become afflicted for a short amount of time, varying depending on the Zed and type of affliction. Certain body parts may be resistant or vulnerable to certain types of incapacitation powers, in which case incoming power will be modified by a vulnerability multiplier. Explosive weapons apply incapacitation power based on the target's distance from the center of the blast - the closer a ZED is to the explosion, the more incapacitation power will be applied.

  • Knockdown is a special move where ZED goes into "ragdoll" state. Knockdown followed by getup animations. By any means only 5 ZEDs are allowed to be knocked down at time. Once knocked to the ground, the ZED will be evaluating its getup possibilities within 0.2 second intervals, ZEDs with velocity greater than 100 uu/s or those rigid body is still awake and simulated should skip getup animation untill their next evaluation check. Up to 25 checks (due to code specifics - actually 32) with 0.2s intervals between each two allowed before ZED will be forced to get up back on feet, this results in overall maximum knockdown time of 6.4 seconds. Knocked down ZED will die instantly if it will fall from the height greater than 7.5 meters. ZEDs with dismembered limbs cannot play knockdown / getup animations. Every ZED can be knocked down when player lands on top of its head, in such case following powers and their normal cooldown values will be applied on this ZED: Knockdown Power = 500, Stumble Power = 200, Gun Hit Power = 100.
  • Stun is an affliction that causes a ZED to enter a "sleeping" state, during which it will stand in place and not attack. The duration of the stun varies by ZED type. When a ZED's stun duration expires a brief recovery animation will play before it is able to act freely again.
  • Stumble is an affliction that causes a ZED to stagger backwards, temporarily impeding its ability to move and attack. Impacts from different angles will cause different stumble animations, each with its own duration. After playing a stumble animation for a semi-random duration (0.5-0.75 seconds), ZED will be able to interrupt it by taking hit from the weapon which Melee hit power / Gun hit power will be greater than ZED's Melee hit / Gun hit resistance. Additionally ZED should not be in cooldown to applied type of the power, otherwise stumble animation will not be interrupted.
  • Melee hit / Gun hit (aka Hard hits / Medium hits) are ZED's reactions. When "hit" ZED's AI paused for listed amount of time ("AI pause, on melee hit" for Melee hits and "AI pause, on gun hit" for Gun hits). Gun hit / Melee hit can interrupt ZED's special moves (if listed power > ZED's resistance, ZED is not in cooldown and such move can be interrupted by design). Both terms are abstract - firearm can have Melee hit power and Melee weapons can have Gun hit power assigned to them, the only significant difference between them is the duration of the reaction. NOTE: as for the current version ZEDs use "AI pause, on melee hit" timers to pause their AI for the duration of either reaction.
  • Snare slows ZED's movement by 30% (x0.7 multiplier). Snare and Bleeding speed debuffs are multiplicative, total speed mod is 0.7 x 0.7 = x0.49.
  • Poison / Microwave / Fire / EMP affliction causes ZED panic, EMP Disrupt cancels ZED's certain abilities (special attacks, sprinting).
  • Freeze temporary stops ZED's movement.
  • Bleed - bleeding is a ZED's state, when bleeding ZEDs takes more incap power towards its incap meter, moves 30% slower (stack with Snare for a total of x0.49 speed multiplier), does 30% less damage (x0.7 multiplier) and plays melee attack animations 25% slower (incap divides the duration of melee animation by 0.8). Bleed increases amount of the incap power taken by ZED: by default amount of the power given by damage type is "1 + perk incap bonuses", instead bleeding ZED takes "1.5 + perk bonuses" amount the weapon powers towards its affliction meter. For the duration of bleed affliction ZEDs shrink in size, however their hitboxes remain the same. ZED affected by bleeding as long as its stacking meter above the Incap Threshold. Cooldown on this affliction meaning that upon hitting 100 points of bleeding power on ZED's incap meter (not 65 where bleeding start its effects) ZED stops taking any further bleeding power applications until cooldown expires which makes it impossible to maintain constant bleeding. In theory it is possible to avoid cooldown while keep bleeding effect active by keeping ZED's incap meter in range of (65-99), however it is next to impossible on practice.
  • Big head is an affliction exclusive for HRG Head Hunter (see this weapon's page for information on how it works).
  • Shrink power reduces ZED's size, up to x0.5 scale. ZEDs shrank to critical size (below incap limit) will die regardless of their current health. For every 100 of Shrink power applied (all ZEDs except Matriarch are neutral to this incap, Matriarch does not accept Shrink power at all), game adds +1 x ZED's Shrink Modifier to this ZED's counter called "Current Effect" (for example, for every 100 Shrink power for Clot it will add 1 x 2 = 2 to "Current Effect", for Scrake 1 x 0.1 = 0.1). Once value of ZED's "Current Effect" is increased past 10, this ZED will die instantly (except bosses, which do not die by getting shrunk). The further ZED shrinks, the more damage it takes from all sources, up to 100% more damage (x2) when it is reduced to its minimal size (10 on the "Current Effect") but again by that time ZED (except bosses) will die anyway. Shrink power dissipates at rate of -200 per second (takes 0.5s to completely wear off), once all power is gone, ZED's "Current Effect" counter resets back to 0 and this ZED is slowly returns back to normal size. Note, that ZEDs return back to normal size much slower than actual effect lasts, after not attacking ZED for ~0.5s the internal meter resets back to 0 but ZEDs stay small for a while. Player would need to start applying Shrink Power from the scratch in order to kill this ZED via shrinking.
    • ZED's Shrink Modifiers: all Clots, Crawler, Stalker - x2 / Rioter, Gorefiend - x0.4 / Bloat - x0.25 / Gorefast - x0.6 / Husk, E.D.A.R, Siren - x0.7 / Scrake, Fleshpound - x0.1 / Quarter Pound - x0.2 / Bosses - x0.15 (bosses cannot be killed by shrinking).

Radial damage sources (e.g. explosives) have their incap powers adjusted according to ZED-to-Explosion proximity. Explosion provides maximum amount of the powers at its epicenter and the minimum at its edge. The intensity at which incap powers scale down over the distance from the explosion epicenter depends on the explosion falloff - the greater its the faster explosion will be loosing its incap powers, as such explosions with no falloff will always apply full weapon powers regardless of proximity.

Various incap powers can be applied on ZED at the same time, however, when either Knockdown, Stun, Stumble or Freeze incap is IN-PROGRESS (threshold is reached and ZED playing specific animation), the other 3 of these incaps CANNOT appear and for the duration of given incap and ZED DOES NOT accept any incap powers towards these 3. For example, stunned ZED does not take any knockdown, stumble or freeze powers at all.

Effect-based incaps (EMP - Burn - Poison - Microwave - Bleed) can co-exist with each other and all other incaps. They can appear along any other incap at the same time, however they do not override ZED animations - instead (for their remaining duration) they start playing right after ZED animation ends. However, these incaps themselves can be overridden by either Knockdown, Stun, Stumble or Freeze. NOTE: ZED that is currently suffering from any effect-based incaps but Bleed DOES NOT accept any Stumble powers.

Note: blocking ZED become completely immune to the effects of Knockdown, Stun and Stumble (does not accept incap powers at all). All other incaps during the block getting their powers reduced by 80% (ZED accepts only 20% of the incap powers), power mitigation effect begins after 0.25 seconds since the block move started.

Affliction priority (highest first): Knockdown - Stun - Stumble - Freeze - Snare - Melee hit - Gun hit - EMP - Burn - Poison - Microwave.


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 3s 1s 0.2s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 3s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x5 x0.5 x1.5 x2.5 x2.5 x2
- Incap cooldown 6s 8s 7s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 4.5s 4.5s 5s 5s 5s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2.47s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 3s + 1.47s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 5s + 1.47s
Stumble (duration) Between (1.06-2)s
Parry (duration) Between (1.06-1.33)s

Alpha Clot:

Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 3s 1s 0.3s / 0.2s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 3s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x3 x0.5 x1.5 x2.5 x2.5 x2
- Incap cooldown 6s 10s 7s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 3s 2s 5s 5s 4s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 3s + 1.33s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 1.33s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4s + 1.33s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 1.33s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.53)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.87-1)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 3s 1s 0.2s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 3s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x1 x0.5 x0.7 x2.5 x2.5 x2
- Incap cooldown 5s 5s 7s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 4.5s 2s 5s 5s 4s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.4s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 3s + 1.53s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.53s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4s + 1.53s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.53s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.33)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.87-1)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x0.4 x0.35 x2 x1
Head vulnerability: x1 x1 x0.4 x0.35 x2 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x0.4 x0.35 x2 x1
Arms vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x0.4 x0.35 x2 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x0.4 x0.35 x2 x1
- Incap cooldown 1.5s 1s 1s 0.1s 0.3s 5.5s
- Incap duration 1.5s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x4 x1 x2.5 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 5s 5s 5s 3s ---
- Incap duration 5s 8s 3.7s 3s 2s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 3.87s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.5s + 2.2s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 2.2s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 2s + 2.2s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 2.2s
Stumble (duration) Between (1.27-1.8)s
Parry (duration) Between (1.33-1.53)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x2 x2 x2.5 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x2 x2 x2.5 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x2 x2 x2.5 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x2 x2 x2.5 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x2 x2 x2.5 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 5s 1s 0.2s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 2.5s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x0.5 x3 x2.5 x2.5 x2
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 7.5s 7s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 5s 3s 5s 5s 4.5s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.56s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 2.5s + 1.53s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.53s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4.5s + 1.53s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.53s
Stumble (duration) Between (1-1.53)s
Parry (duration) Between (1-1.2)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 5s 1s 0.5s 0s 0.3s 5.5s
- Incap duration 2.5s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x10 x2 x0.75 x2.5 x2 x2
- Incap cooldown 10s 6s 6s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 3.5s 3.5s 3.5s 5s 4s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2.5s, for Gorefiend - 2.67s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 2.5s + 1.53s, for Gorefiend - 2.5s + 1.13s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 1.53s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4s + 1.53s, for Gorefiend - 4s + 1.13s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 1.53s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.40)s, for Gorefiend - between (1.67-3.27)s
Parry (duration) 0.87s, for Gorefiend - between (2.4-2.87)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1 x1 x1.75 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 5s 1s 0.5s 0s 0.3s 5.5s
- Incap duration 2.5s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x10 x2 x0.75 x2.5 x2 x2
- Incap cooldown 10s 6s 6s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 3.5s 3.5s 3.5s 5s 4s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2.5s, for Gorefiend - 2.67s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 2.5s + 1.53s, for Gorefiend - 2.5s + 1.13s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 1.53s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4s + 1.53s, for Gorefiend - 4s + 1.13s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 1.53s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.40)s, for Gorefiend - between (1.67-3.27)s
Parry (duration) 0.87s, for Gorefiend - between (2.4-2.87)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1.5 x1 x0.75 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1.5 x1 x0.75 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1.5 x1 x0.75 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x1.5 x1 x0.75 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1.5 x1 x0.75 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 5s 1s 0.5s 0s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 3s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x10 x0.5 x3 x2.5 x2.5 x2
- Incap cooldown 7.5s 20.5s 3s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 5.5s 5s 4s 5s 4s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.33s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 3s + 1.2s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.2s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4s + 1.2s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.2s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.33)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.93-1.2)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x0.4 x0.4 x0.5 x1 x1
Head vulnerability: x2 x0.4 x0.4 x0.5 x1 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x0.4 x0.4 x0.2 x1 x2
Arms vulnerability: x0.5 x0.4 x0.4 x0.2 x1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x2 x0.4 x0.4 x0.5 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 5s 3s 1s 0.2s 0.75s 5.5s
- Incap duration 1.5s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. Husk's special zone is a backpack.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x3 x0 x2.5 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 8.5s 5s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 5s 4s 2s 3s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.87s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.5s + 1.87s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.87s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1.87s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.87s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.4)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.87-1)s

E.D.A.R variants:

Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x2
Arms vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 5s 1s 1s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 1.5s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. E.D.A.R's special zone is a chest core.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.05 x3 x0.5 x2.5 x0.9 x0.01
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 6.5s 6s 5s 1s ---
- Incap duration 5s 4s 5s 5s 4.2s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2s to getup from back to feet, from chest - 1.78s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.5s + 1.37s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4.2s + 1.37s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.33)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.87-1)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x2
Arms vulnerability: x0.5 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x2 x1 x1 x0.9 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 5s 1s 1s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 1.5s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. Siren's special zone is a neck.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x3 x0.9 x2.5 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 6.5s 6s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 5s 4s 5s 5s 4.2s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.5s + 1.33s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.33s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4.2s + 1.33s, for PvP ZEDs - 2s + 1.33s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.4)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.87-1)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x0.4 x0.3 x0.2 x1 x1
Head vulnerability: x1 x0.4 x0.3 x0.2 x1 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x0.5 x0.3 x0.2 x1 x2
Arms vulnerability: x0.5 x0.4 x0.3 x0.2 x1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.5 x0.4 x0.3 x0.2 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 5s 10s 3.5s 1.7s 1.35s 5.5s
- Incap duration 1.55s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x0.5 x0.4 x0.98 x0.98 x0.75
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 10s 7s 10s 6s ---
- Incap duration 5s 2.5s 3.5s 2.2s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.39s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.55s + 1.2s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 1.2s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1.2s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 1.2s
Stumble (duration) Between (1.09-1.4)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.8-1.3)s

Quarter Pound:

Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x0.25 x0.37 x0 x1 x1
Head vulnerability: x0.55 x0.25 x0.46 x0 x1 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x0.5 x0.46 x0 x1 x3
Arms vulnerability: x0 x0.25 x0.15 x0 x1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.55 x0.4 x0.75 x0.5 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 10s 10s 3.5s 1.7s 2s 8.5s
- Incap duration 1.55s --- --- --- --- 5s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps.Quarter Pound's special zone is a chest core.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x0.55 x0.45 x0.95 x0.95 x0.75
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 17s 10s 10s 10.5s ---
- Incap duration 5s 2.5s 3.5s 2.2s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.87s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.55s + 1.7s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1.67s
Stumble (duration) Between (1-2.67)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.85-2.67)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.5 x0.25 x0.2 x0 x1 x1
Head vulnerability: x0.55 x0.25 x0.25 x0 x1 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x0 x1 x3
Arms vulnerability: x0 x0.25 x0 x0 x1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.55 x0.4 x0.4 x0.5 x1 x1
- Incap cooldown 10s 10s 5s 1.7s 1.2s 8.5s
- Incap duration 1.55s --- --- --- --- 5s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. Fleshpound's special zone is a chest core.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0.15 x0.5 x0.4 x0.95 x0.95 x0.75
- Incap cooldown 20.5s 17s 10s 10s 10.5s ---
- Incap duration 5s 2.5s 3.5s 2.2s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.87s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.55s + 1.67s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 1.67s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1.67s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 1.67s
Stumble (duration) Between (1-2.67)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.85-2.67)s

Hans Volter:

Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.5 x1
Head vulnerability: x0.55 x0.4 x0.3 x0.1 x0.95 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.5 x2
Arms vulnerability: x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.5 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.55 x0.25 x0.4 x0.5 x0.75 x1
- Incap cooldown 17s 20s 10s 1.7s 2s 10.5s
- Incap duration 1.25s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. Hans Volter's special zone is a chest / backpack core.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0 x0.08 x0.65 x0.95 x0.5 x0.2
- Incap cooldown --- 10s 15s 10s 10s 10s
- Incap duration --- 3s 1.2s 2.5s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.53s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.25s + 1.04s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1.04s
Stumble (duration) Between (1-2)s
Parry (duration) Between (1-1.8)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.5 x1
Head vulnerability: x0.55 x0.4 x0.3 x0.1 x0.95 x1
Legs vulnerability: x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.5 x2
Arms vulnerability: x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.1 x0.5 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.55 x0.25 x0.4 x0.5 x0.75 x1
- Incap cooldown 17s 20s 10s 1.7s 2s 10.5s
- Incap duration 1.25s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. Patriarch's special zone is a chest tentacle (only exposed during the grab).
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0 x0.08 x0.65 x0.95 x0.5 x0.15
- Incap cooldown --- 10s 15s 10s 10s 10s
- Incap duration --- 3s 1.2s 2.2s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.87s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.25s + 1s, for PvP ZEDs - 1s + 1s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1s, for PvP ZEDs - 1s + 1s
Stumble (duration) Between (1.33-2)s
Parry (duration) Between (1.2-1.8)s

King Fleshpound:

Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.75
Head vulnerability: x0.41 x0.3 x0.22 x0.07 x0.71 x0.75
Legs vulnerability: x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x1.5
Arms vulnerability: x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.07 x0.75
Special zone vulnerability: x0.41 x0.18 x0.3 x0.5 x0.56 x0.75
- Incap cooldown 17s 20s 10s 1.7s 2s 10.5s
- Incap duration 1.25s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. King Fleshpound's special zone is a chest core.
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0 x0.06 x0.48 x0.71 x0.37 x0.2
- Incap cooldown --- 10s 15s 10s 10s 10s
- Incap duration --- 3s 1.2s 2.2s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate --- -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 1.87s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.25s + 1.67s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1.67s
Stumble (duration) Between (1-2.67)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.85-2.67)s


Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 x1
Head vulnerability: x0.55 x0.4 x0.3 x0.1 x0.95 x2
Legs vulnerability: x0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 x1
Arms vulnerability: x0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0.55 x0.25 x0.4 x0.05 x0.75 x2
- Incap cooldown 17s 20s 10s 1.7s 2.0s 10.5s
- Incap duration 1.25s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x0 x0.08 x0.32 x0.5 x0.25 x0.15
- Incap cooldown --- 10s 15s 10s 10s 10s
- Incap duration --- 3s 1.2s 2.2s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate --- -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 3.87s, for Abomination Spawn - 1.97s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.25s + 2.2s, for Abomination Spawn - 2.5s + 1.47s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 2.2s, for Abomination Spawn - 4.5s + 1.47s
Stumble (duration) Between (1-2.67)s, for Abomination Spawn - between (0.89-1.67)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.85-2.67)s, for Abomination Spawn - between (0.89-1.11)s


Affliction: Stun (per phase) Knockdown (per phase) Stumble (per phase) Gun hit (per phase) Melee hit (per phase) Snare (per phase)
Torso vulnerability: x0/x0/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x1/x1/x1/x1
Head vulnerability: x0/x0/x0.55/x0.55 x0/x0/x0.4/x0.4 x0/x0.3/x0.3/x0.3 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.95/x0.95/x0.95 x2/x2/x2/x2
Legs vulnerability: x0/x0/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x1/x1/x1/x1
Arms vulnerability: x0/x0/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x0/x0.1/x0.1/x0.1 x1/x1/x1/x1
Special zone vulnerability: x0/x0/x0.55/x0.55 x0/x0/x0.25/x0.25 x0/x0.4/x0.4/x0.4 x0/x0.5/x0.5/x0.5 x0/x0.75/x0.75/x0.75 x2/x2/x2/x2
- Incap cooldown 17s 20s 10s 2s 2s 10.5s
- Incap duration 1.25s --- --- --- --- 3s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 for all incaps. Matriarch's special zone is a small moving device ("box") over her head that she uses for Lightning Storm and Warning Siren attacks.
Affliction: Poison (per phase) Microwave (per phase) Fire panic (per phase) EMP (per phase) Freeze (per phase) Bleed (per phase)
- Vulnerability x0/x0/x0/x0 x0.08/x0.08/x0.08/x0.08 x0/x0/x0.65/x0.65 x1/x1/x1/x1 x0/x0.65/x0.65/x0.65 x0.15/x0.15/x0.15/x0.15
- Incap cooldown --- 10s 15s 10s 10s 10s
- Incap duration --- 3s 1.2s 2.5s 1s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) From the back - 3.25s, from the front - 3.73s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 1.25s + 1s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 1s + 1s, for PvP ZEDs - 1s + 1s
Stumble (duration) Between (1.33-2.17)s
Parry (duration) 1.33s

Gameplay - Armor

See Combat Armor

Gameplay - Crashing / falling damage

Falling pawns (ZEDs or Humans) may cause damage to other ZEDs or Humans by landing on them (players cannot damage friendly players). Amount of damage depend of falling velocity and mass of both pawns. Damage to take is an integer value of ((1 - Falling Velocity / 400) x Mass of Falling Pawn) / Mass of Pawn That Getting Crashed), note: Falling Velocity is a negative value, maximum falling velocity = 40 m/s (-4000 units / second).

After landing on top of pawn's collision cylinder landed pawn will be pushed away by getting extra velocity (including Z-axis) into random direction.

ZEDs does not take damage from falling.

Falling damage
Game simulates Free Fall and Acceleration of Gravity. Normal in-game gravity acceleration = 11.5 m/s^2.

Maximum falling velocity = 40 m/s.

To take falling damage player should have velocity greater than 13.25 m/s, such velocity can be achieved by falling

from at least H = (13.25)^2/(2x11.5) = 7.634 meters.

Damage taken calculated by formula: Falling Damage = Rounddown ((100 x (Player's Velocity - 13.25)) / 13.25).
Minimum velocity to take falling damage 13.25 m/s
- can be achieved after falling for 1.15s
Minimum height to take falling damage 7.634 meters
Velocity to die when player has 100HP 26.5 m/s
- can be achieved after falling for 2.3s
Maximum height to take falling damage and not die 30.532 meters
Maximum possible damage from falling = ((100x(40-13.25))/13.25) = 203 (after rounding).
Depending on the view angle, knockback effects of the Double-barrel Boomstick and Doomstick both can add

up to +/- 5 meters per second towards falling player's velocity in the opposite direction to where player is currently aimed at.

Note: Unlike players, ZEDs do not take damage from falling.

Gameplay - Damage over time (DOT)

As a rule of thumb, in order to take DOT ZEDs (and players too) have to lose some of their health in the first place. Damaging armored zones such as E.D.A.R's torso or head should not apply DOT status at all, same goes for players - taking armor-only damage results in no DOT applications. Should the player hit any of the armored ZED's exposed body parts and trigger DOT sequence, the armor is always to take damage over time FIRST, protecting actual health for while it lasts. As with all the other forms of indirect damage, DOT damage is getting split between all existing armor pieces for equal parts.

Damage over time uses "DOT scale" which is multiplier for initial amount of the damage given by weapon / ZED, this amount of the damage will be repeated for the duration of "DOT duration" within intervals of "DOT interval".

More than one type of DOT can be applied at time, in such case each DOT type will be having its own damage, duration and interval. If DOT of the same type is applied on target (for example "new" Fire vs. "old" Fire) game will check the effectiveness of "new" DOT in terms of total damage (total damage = DOT damage x (DOT duration / DOT interval)) comparing to the "old" DOT. If "new" DOT will be more "effective" then it will be applied (including new and updated damage, duration and interval values) otherwise "old" DOT will stay for its remaining duration. For example DOT from Flamethrower direct hit in most cases will be more "effective" than DOT from splash damage so it will overwrite splash DOT and vice-versa - DOT from splash damage will be "less" effective than DOT from direct hit so it will not overwrite remaining direct hit DOT.

Field Medic's Hemogoblin weapon is an exception to the rule above. Each projectile of this weapon applies its own DOT, with its own (yet the same) damage, duration and interval making it the only weapon that can spawn multiple instances of the same DOT type.

Amount of DOT ticks and DOT duration / interval: the first DOT tick is not instant but rather kicks-in only after <DOT interval> seconds. On top of that DOT wears off completely when <DOT duration> value become less than <DOT interval>. For example, Caulk n' Burn (DOT duration = 1.7s, interval = 0.4s) has only 3 DOT ticks on it: tick 1 starts at 1.7 - 0.4 = 1.3s mark, tick 2 comes next at 1.3 - 0.4 = 0.9s mark, tick 3 takes place at 0.9 - 0.4 = 0.5s mark. Even though there is a space for tick 4 which could have happened at 0.1s mark, it actually does not happen because DOT wears off 0.1s later after tick 3 (by this time DOT duration become < DOT interval).

Possible bug: if amount of DOT ticks gives integer value without leftover, on high computing rates, whether it is server or local play's FPS, the last DOT tick (one that supposed to happen by the very same moment game ceases DOT timer as it is mentioned above) might not even happen at all. For example, in low FPS game the attack of Hemogoblin (DOT duration - 5.0s, interval - 1.0s) does 4 ticks of damage: tick 1 at 4.0s mark, tick 2 at 3.0s mark, tick 3 at 2.0s mark and finally tick 4 at 1.0s. However in high FPS game for this weapon there is a probability to cause only 3 ticks (at 4.0s, 3.0s and 2.0s marks). The last tick, that could have happened at 1.0s mark (which is exactly where remaining DOT duration value become less than DOT interval), most likely will not appear. In theory this bug might be avoided by increasing DOT duration by minuscule amount (e.g. from 2.0s to 2.05s) which will not change total amount of DOT ticks but will shift their intervals leaving some time for the last one to be processed.

Note that DOT calculation takes on account default damage value of the weapon and does NOT depend from amount of the actual (initial) damage taken by ZED. For example, Bloat vs. Spitfire Revolver: Bloat is resistant to ballistic handgun damage of the Spitfire and only takes 35%, 40x0.35 = 14. This, however, does not mean that DOT (which is 80% of the Spitfire damage) will be 14x0.8 = 11. Actual DOT is % of the default weapon damage which is 40x0.8 = 32. Since Bloat is neutral to fire, 32 is exact amount of damage given to it per DOT tick. This means that damage types of the DOT and its causer are treated separately in terms of damage calculation.

Amount of the damage per DOT tick caused by explosives depends on explosion falloff if such is present. Most explosives do less damage the further they explode from the target, therefore apply less damage per DOT tick.

The DOT damage is only getting increased via perk's bonuses if its damage type is on-perk for that perk and, as it has been said, does NOT depend from initial damage and what bonuses the initial damage gets (including hitzone multiplier that does not affect DOT). For example, Mac-10 in hands of both - SWAT (with +25% damage bonus) and Support (no damage bonuses), will be applying exact same amount of damage per tick, because its DOT damage type is not on-perk for either, unlike the damage type of bullet that causes such DOT.

Player takes twice less damage and affected by twice less time from Fire DOT when healed (damage x 0.5, duration x 0.5). Every new healing application (dart or gas tick) will be reducing previous Fire DOT values by half.

Berserker is affected by any form of DOT for 20% less time than any other perk.

ZEDs killed by DOT or the damage type that is capable of causing DOT will not evaluate a possibility of triggering ZED Time upon death.

Gameplay - Damage reduction

Following sequence used to mitigate incoming damage to player:

  • For blockable damage types multiply damage by weapon's Parry or Block value: Damage = Damage x Parry or Block Multiplier. Outcome is an integer (ROUNDED DOWN).
    • For self-damage caused by player's weapons: Multiply damage by SelfDamageReductionValue variable: Damage = Damage x SelfDamageReductionValue. Outcome is an integer (ROUNDED DOWN). SelfDamageReductionValue: Gravity Imploder - x0.075, HRG Crossboom - x0.25, HRG Locust - x0, Husk Cannon - x0.1, Blunderbuss - x0.5, Seal Squeal - x0.25, Thermite Bore - x0.05, all other - x1 (full damage).
    • Further reduce self-damage from player's weapons by Game Difficulty to: Normal - 10%, Hard - 20%, Suicidal - 20%, HOE - 50% of the weapon's base damage.
  • Apply perk's resistance bonuses. Multiple bonuses are additive, e.g. lvl 25 Berserker with active Parry skill will be taking only 1-(0.30+0.10) = 0.60 or 60% of all incoming damage. Damage = Damage x (1 - Sum Of All Bonuses). Outcome is an integer (ROUNDED DOWN).
  • Multiply damage value by Field Medic's Coagulant Booster bonus (10% per stack, either x0.9, x0.8 or x0.7). Damage = Damage x Coagulant Booster Multiplier. Damage ROUNDED.
  • Reduce damage due to Armor. See "Gameplay - Armor". Remaining health and armor values are integers, therefore ROUNDED DOWN.

During the trader time player takes no damage at all - all incoming damage is being set to 0.

Gameplay - Doors

Doors have weld integrity (can be restored by Welder) and maximum health (cannot be restored). Base values are 1500 and 4000, they may vary depending on a specific map. Regardless of the game difficulty ZEDs do the same amount of the damage to door (damage amount is ZED-specific). Players can damage welded doors by explosives (door takes base explosive damage, unaffected by skill bonuses), ZEDs damage doors by all of their attacks.

Support has passive skill that allows to repair destroyed doors. Each welder attack restores 7 points. Door will be restored once it accumulate total of 255 points.

When door is welded, ZEDs may try to attack it or will try to find another path to the players. Generally the higher door weld integrity is, the more ZEDs attacking or pending to open it already - the greater chances for ZEDs to try to find another path.

Depending on amount of ZEDs attacking the door it takes additional damage. With each next attacker door takes 10% more damage per single attack, up to 100% more damage (x2 damage multiplier) when it being attacked by 10 ZEDs at once. Bosses have an ability to destroy closed unwelded doors by sprinting (bumping) into them.

Doors (default settings)
Doors have 2 types of the health.
Max Health / Max Weld Integrity HP (base values) 4000 / 1500
Max Health cannot be restored, Weld Integrity restored by Welder.

Door will break when either - Max Health or Weld Integrity become zero.

Welder can restore or erase Weld Integrity HP.
HP restored / erased, per attack interval +68 / -110
Welding interval 0.2s (5 hits/s)
Support's passive skill increases Door HP to restore / erase perWelder's attack interval by up to x1.75 (+119 / -192).
Doors under attack restored at the slower rate - per single Welder tick

it only restores 60% (x0.6) of the regular HP / tick value.

Support can repair doors at rate of 7 points / welder attack.

Door will be restored upon accumulating a total of 255 points.

Gameplay - Dosh

Amount of the Dosh player getting on kill depends from the Base Dosh Reward, Dosh Kill modifier, Wave Length modifier, percentage of the damage dealt to ZED and finally on Game Length Dosh Scale modifier.

  • Base Dosh Reward: Clots (all) - 7; Bloat - 17; Crawler - 10; Gorefast - 12; Stalker - 15; Husk - 17; E.D.A.Rs - 17; Siren - 25; Scrake - 75; Fleshpound - 200, bosses - 500. PvP ZEDs have their own Dosh rewards (actual numbers at the respecive wiki pages).
  • Dosh Kill modifier: Normal - x1.2; Hard - x1; Suicidal - x1; HOE - x0.9.
  • Wave Length modifier: 1 player - 1; 2 players - 2; 3 players - 2.75; 4 players - 3.5; 5 players - 4; 6 players - 4.5.
  • Game Length Dosh Scale modifier: Short game - x1.75; Medium game - x1; Long game - x0.8.

Earned Dosh calculated by formula:

1. Calculate Adjusted Dosh value = Base Dosh Reward x Dosh Kill modifier x (Amount of the players / Wave Length modifier) x Game Length Dosh Scale modifier. Outcome is a FLOAT variable.

2. Calculate Score Denominator value = Adjusted Dosh / Total Damage Taken By ZED. Outcome is a FLOAT variable.

3. Calculate player's dosh сut that depends on % of inflicted damage: Earned Dosh = Round (Damage Inflicted By Player x Score Denominator).

4. If player has assisted in ZED kill but did not kill it themself, calculate Assistance Dosh value = Round (Earned Dosh x Perk Assist Dosh Modifer). Relevant for Sharpshooter which is the only perk in game that gets 10% more dosh (x1.1 multiplier) for assists.

% of Damage Dealt in the formula above implies how much damage exactly each player inflicted to ZED compare to overall amount of the damage taken by this ZED by the moment of its death.

Sharpshooter gains 10% more dosh for assists (x1.1 multiplier to Earned Dosh).

Dosh On Respawn

Depending on the game difficulty and current wave number player will recieve different amount of the Dosh on respawn:

Dosh on respawn
Minimum respawn Dosh given to player on spawning:
Dosh = Respawn Dosh x (Wave Number / (Max Wave Number - 1))
where Respawn Dosh is
Normal 1750
Hard 1550
Suicidal 1700
HOE 1550
Minimum respawn Dosh given to player joined mid-game:
Short game: wave1 - 700, wave2 - 850, wave3 - 1650, wave4 - 2200.
Medium game: wave1 - 600, wave2 - 800, wave3 - 1000, wave4 - 1100, wave5 - 1500, wave6 - 2000, wave7 - 2200.
Long game: wave1 - 600, wave2 - 700, wave3 - 1000, wave4 - 1300, wave5 - 1650, wave6 - 1800, wave7 - 2000, wave8 - 2200, wave9 - 2400, wave10 - 2400.
Maximum respawn Dosh calculated by formula:
Dosh = Dosh Player Had Before Dying x (1 - Difficulty Dosh Mod)
where Difficulty Dosh Mod is
Nomal 0.05 (-5%)
Hard 0.1 (-10%)
Suicidal 0.2 (-20%)
HOE 0.25 (-25%)
By the next respawn player will get highest amount of Dosh out of two possible values:Minimum and Maximum respawn Dosh.

End wave Dosh bonus is a total amount on Dosh earned by all players during the last round divided between all living players into the equal parts.

Gameplay - Game Conductor

Game Conductor is a game system that dynamically adjusts game difficulty based on overall performance of the human team.

Within 1 second intervals Game Conductor uses quite complicated mechanism to evaluate this overall performance. It involves a lot of individual variables allocated to game actions listed below. At the end of each tick all these variables are being processed in a specific manner with a specific criteria assigned to certain actions made by human team:

  • Calculation of overall accuracy of the team (shots fired / shots hit) with headshots having greater impact and some perks to be slightly handicapped in order to smooth out final variable between high and low precise perks.
  • ZED's average and overall lifespan (time to live after they have seen a human player) - in that matter the faster players kill ZEDs the better their performance.
  • Overall health and ammo status of the human team - the healthier players are and more ammo they have - the harder it would be. Ammo and health have equal weights in this evaluation.

Due to complexity of calculation of each variable it is next to impossible to get a clean picture from just bare numbers, although the most important variables (that are possible to observe in an offline solo game by using DisplayAll command) would be:

  • DisplayAll KFGameConductor OverallRankAndSkillModifier (pretty much it is the final variable to defy team's performance), any value below 0.5 would be underperforming, 0.5 is a golden mean and over 0.5 would mean that team is doing well making game harder.
  • DisplayAll KFGameConductor CurrentAIMovementSpeedMod (movement mod for ZEDs on this difficulty, could be different from per-difficulty base speed mod).
  • DisplayAll KFGameConductor CurrentSpawnRateModification (current spawn mod for ZEDs).

Despite common misconception, Game Conductor does not alternate ZED squads to spawn.

Details on the Game Conductor's difficulty adjustments and its boundaries:

Game Conductor is a system that dynamically adjusts difficulty of the game based on how well player's team doing. Game Conductor is a quite complicated mechanism. Many factors have impact on it - average level of the team, average accuracy on bodyshots / headshots, ZED lifespan. Overall weights of certain criteria: Average Perk level - 0.25, Average Accuracy - 0.25, ZEDs Lifespan - 0.5. Difficulty management (change of values) happens within 1 second intervals.

Note that the Game Conductor will stop its actions completely and all the values will be automatically lowered down to the minimum if average health of the team will become less than 50% or for the next 15s after one of the players had been killed or simply when it is turned off (in vanilla game it is alway active). In such case overall performance of the team will be considered as 0.

Game Conductor has impact on following difficulty adjustments:
1. Spawn Rate Intensity (PvE only) Depending on how well human team doing spawn intensity will be increased or decreased:
Normal difficulty: Current spawning interval can be slowed down by up to x1.25 or raised up by up to x0.75.
Hard difficulty: Current spawning interval can be slowed down by up to x1.25 or raised up by up to x0.75.
Suicidal difficulty: Current spawning interval can be slowed down by up to x1.25 or raised up by up to x0.5.
HOE difficulty: Current spawning interval can only be raised up by up to x0.75.
Additionally current spawning interval of the ZEDs depends on various factors (more info on Notes Tab, "ZEDs - Spawn intensity" mechanics).
2. AI Movement Speed (PvE only) AI movement speed on the current difficulty will never be higher than movement speed on the next higher difficulty.
Normal difficulty: up to -2.5% / +2.5% to the base speed mod of the Normal difficulty. (±50% of Normal-to-Hard diff).
Hard difficulty: does not go down / does not go up. (±50% of Suicidal-to-Hard diff, since there is no difference).
Suicidal difficulty: does not go down / does not go up. (-50/+65% of HOE-to-Suicidal diff, since there is no difference).
HOE: does not go down / does not go up.
Additionally current movement speed of the ZEDs randomized within -10% / +10% range. (more info on Notes Tab, "ZEDs - Movement speed" mechanics).
3. ZED Attack Intensity (PvE only) When overall performance of the team become "0", ZEDs will enter low attack intensity mode where they will start using pre-set cooldowns between their attacks and will often be taunting players instead of attacking giving some time to retreat. On HOE game or at any boss wave ZEDs will not enter this mode. Low attack intensity mode duration: Normal - 10s, Hard - 8s, Suicidal - 6s, HOE - 5s, Cooldowns - 12s / 14s / 16s / 18s.
Additionally this mode might occur in a solo game (offline game or an online game with just one player at the beginning of each wave) when player with less than 95% HP is being surrounded by at least 2 ZEDs within 2.5 meters, in this case duration of effect - 10s.
Overall attack cooldowns: Clots / Crawler / Stalker - 2s, Bloat / Gorefast - 3s, Husk - 2s for melee, +25% time between fireball and flamethrower attacks (note - these attack already have different cooldowns depending on the difficulty and are also randomized by up to -1s / +1s), Siren - 7s, Scrake - 5s, Quarter Pound / Fleshpound - 5s.
4. ZED Health Mod (PvP only, only player-controlled ZEDs) Based on average level of the team (where all 0s is minimum and all 25s is maximum) ZEDs in PvP games have their health adjusted in the range of (0.85 - 2).
5. ZED Damage Mod (PvP only, only player-controlled ZEDs) Based on average level of the team (where all 0s is minimum and all 25s is maximum) ZEDs in PvP games have their damage adjusted in the range of (0.7 - 1.131).

Effects on the PvP ZEDs:

PvP ZEDs health / damage scale
In PvP games player-controlled ZEDs have their HP and Damage multipliers scaled based on the Average Level of the human team.
Average Level of the human team ZED HP scale ZED dmg scale
0 0,85 0,7
12 1.425 0,9155
24 2 1,131

Visual graph:

Gameplay - Healing

Healers apply health instantly but regeneration takes time. When healed, Player regenerate health at rate of 1 HP per 100ms (making it 10 HP per second), this rate is equal for all Perks. Amount of health in Player's "health to regenerate" pool will never be more than Maximum Health - Current Health. Each next iteration of healing updates "health to regenerate" pool by its value. Healing decreases damage and duration of fire DOT by half.

Amount of the Dosh given to player from healing other players calculated as Earned Dosh = (Given Health / Player's Max Health) x 60, where Given Health value is amount of health provided by healer. Given Health is adjusted accordingly to the healing tool and healer's perk but will never be more than Maximum Health - Current Health value.

Gameplay - Item pickups

Amount of the item pickups that can be active at time depends on Game Difficulty and on a Current Wave number.

A group of items (weapons / armors / ammo boxes) will be spawned upon starting the game. Locations for these items are randomized (chosen from all possible pre-set locations). Items will not change their content or location until the next wave. Each time the item is being picked up, the countdown for the new item begin (countdown based on amount of the living players). Items (weapons or armors) will be replaced by items, ammo boxes will be replaced by ammo boxes.

Items and Ammo respawn time
Respawn time depends from amount of the living players.
1 player 30s
2 players 15s
3 players 10s
4 players 7.5s
5 players 6s
6 players 5s

All (default) possible items (Armor, AR-15 Varmint Rifle, SG 500 Pump-Action, Crovel Survival Tool, 9mm Pistol, 1858 Revolver, Winchester 1894, HMTech-101 Pistol and MP7 SMG) have equal chances to appear upon spawning. This list of items to spawn and their priority is a subject of change according to map maker's choice (for example, the Netherhold map has item pickups of tier 2 and tier 3 weapons and in Barmwich Town's weapon room certain tier 3-4 can spawn on occasion).

Amount of the ammo given for certain weapon depends on the weapon's ammo pickup scale. Usually varying between x4 - x0.25 of the base magazine size with smaller mag weapons recieving more while big magazine guns recieving less for balance purposes. Most common modifier is x1 which will be giving one spare magazine per carried weapon, presuming that this weapon is not full on ammo.

Amount of the item / ammo pickups depends from the current wave. With each next wave amount of the possible item / ammo pickups multiplied by the (Wave Number / Max Wave Number) value and rounded down. At least one ammo box will be active from the beginning of the game and at least one item pickup will be active from the wave 2 (any length) and further. During the boss wave there will be maximum possible amount of the ammo pickups (technically, maximum possible ammo pickups - 1).

Important Note: Unless set by mapper, the active item spawn point is become disabled (inactive for the rest of the game) when its item taken, limiting availability of free weapons on the map to 1 per spawn point. Ammo boxes instead go to "sleeping" state and will respawn after sometime on any other spawn point. Both pickup types can be set by mapper to respawn on timer regardless.

Choosing a random item from the list: When item pickup is initiated, the game summarizes Total Weight of all items within a list of possible pickups based on Priority value. By default tier 1 weapons (+armor) have Priority of 1. Then starting from the first item in the pool while going down to the last, game rolls a dice: first it picks a random float value RandomWeight (between 0 and 1), then checks if RandomWeight is less or equal than first item's Priority / Total Weight. If it is then first item is selected, if it is not - it reduces RandomWeight by first item's Priority / Total Weight and rolls a dice for a second item and so on. Default placement of items in the list is Armor, AR-15 Varmint Rifle, SG 500 Pump-Action, Crovel Survival Tool, 9mm Pistol, 1858 Revolver, Winchester 1894, HMTech-101 Pistol, MP7 SMG with all these having Priority of 1. But again, items, their order and their Priority is a subject of change based on map maker's choice.

Maximum theoretical amount of the item / ammo pickups
Map / Difficulty Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Airship 5 / 6 4 / 4 3 / 6 1 / 4
Ashwood Asylum 7 / 8 5 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Barmwitch Town 8 / 9 6 / 6 4 / 9 1 / 5
Biolapse All 32 ammo spawns are always active, no item pickups, respawn time - 45s.
Biotics Lab 7 / 8 5 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Black Forest 7 / 6 5 / 5 4 / 6 1 / 4
Burning Paris 7 / 8 5 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Carillon Hamlet 6 / 5 4 / 3 3 / 5 1 / 3
Castle Volter 9 / 12 7 / 9 5 / 12 2 / 8
Catacombs 7 / 8 5 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Containment Station 4 / 4 3 / 3 2 / 4 1 / 2
Crash 10 / 12 8 / 9 6 / 12 2 / 8
Desolation 6 / 9 5 / 6 3 / 9 1 / 5
DieSector All 6 weapon / 10 ammo spawns are always active, respawn time - 90s / 160s.
Dystopia 2029 10 / 14 8 / 10 5 / 14 2 / 8
Elysium 10 / 31 8 / 23 6 / 31 2 / 19
Evacuation point 7 / 8 5 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Farmhouse 1 / 3 1 / 2 1 / 3 1 / 2
Hellmark Station 9 / 8 (45s resp) 7 / 6 (45s resp) 5 / 8 (45s resp) 2 / 5 (45s resp)
Hostile Grounds 6 / 6 5 / 4 3 / 6 1 / 4
Infernal Realm 6 / 7 5 / 5 3 / 7 1 / 4
Krampus Lair All 10 weapon / 19 ammo spawns are always active, respawn time - 150s.
Lockdown 4 / 10 3 / 7 2 / 10 1 / 6
Nightmare All 17 ammo spawns are always active, no item pickups, respawn time - 45s.
Moonbase 11 / 15 (ammo respawn - 60s) 9 / 11 (ammo respawn - 60s) 6 / 15 (ammo respawn - 60s) 2 / 9 (ammo respawn - 60s)
Netherhold 5 / 5 4 / 3 3 / 5 1 / 3
Nuked 6 / 7 5 / 5 3 / 7 1 / 4
Outpost 7 / 6 5 / 5 4 / 6 1 / 4
Monster Ball 8 / 8 6 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Power Core All 25 ammo spawns are always active, respawn time - 45s. Weapon pickups, per difficulty: 4 / 3 / 2 / 1. Weapon pickups follow the "normal" rules.
Prison 6 / 7 5 / 5 3 / 7 1 / 4
Rig 9 / 24 7 / 18 5 / 24 2 / 15
Sanitarium 6 / 13 5 / 10 3 / 13 1 / 8
Santa's Workshop All 10 weapon / 21 ammo spawns are always active, respawn time - 150s.
Shopping Spree 9 / 8 7 / 6 5 / 8 2 / 5
Spillway 7 / 6 5 / 5 3 / 7 1 / 4
Steam Fortress 8 / 7 6 / 5 4 / 7 1 / 4
Subduction 6 / 9 5 / 6 3 / 9 1 / 5
The Descent All 23 ammo spawns are always active, no item pickups, respawn time - 45s.
The Tragic Kingdom 7 / 8 5 / 6 4 / 8 1 / 5
Volter Manor 7 / 6 5 / 5 4 / 6 1 / 4
ZED Landing 7 / 6 5 / 4 4 / 6 1 / 4

Gameplay - Movement speed

Movement speed depend from amount of the health and carrying capacity.

Player can lose up to 15% of the movement speed depending on their current HP. Movement speed decreases linearly from 0 to -15% based on amount of the player's health: 100+ HP = no penalty, 0 HP = -15% speed loss. Having 100+ HP results in no speed loss at all.

Player can lose up to 8% of the movement speed when carrying 15/15 (or 20/20) blocks of weight. Movement speed decreases linearly.

Hard melee attacks causing Player to pause current movement input for 100ms, as a result there is slight movement pause prior to each of these attacks.

ADS-walking / crouching / both-at-the-same-time speed is 40% of the player's default walking speed (i.e. unaffected by health loss and extra weight). Gunslinger's Steady skill multiplies ADS-walking speed by x2, SWAT's Tactical Movement multiplies both ADS-walking and crouching speed by x2.5. Sharpshooter's Stability skill instead multiplies player's walking / sprinting speed by x1.5 but only when crouching (hence x0.4 multiplier should be applied as well) making Sharpshooter the only perk whose extra movement speed depend from the health and weight. Additionally while ADS-walking speed of the SWAT is independent from health and weight, its crouching speed is actually depends (only) from the HP loss.

Movement speed
Walk speed (aka jogging), units/s 383 (3.83 meters per second)
Sprint speed, units/s 460 (4.6 meters per second)
ADS-walking / crouch-walking / both-at-the-same-time slows down the movement by 60%

(x0.4 of the default walking speed, i.e. unaffected by health loss and weight carried).

Current movement speed depends from 3 factors: Low Health Speed Penalty, Weight Mod and Weapon Speed Mod.
Actual Speed = Base Speed x (1- Low Health Speed Penalty) x (1- Weight Mod)
Minimum Low Health Speed Penalty (at 100+ HP) 0
Maximum Low Health Speed Penalty (0 HP) 0.15 (-15%)
Low Health Speed Penalty increases linearly upon loosing health, -0.15% per 1 hp loss.

For example at 75HP it will be 0.0375 (-3.75%), at 50HP it will be 0.075 (-7.5%), at 1HP it will be almost 0.15 (-15%).

Weight Mod increases linearly from 0 (when empty) to 0.08 (-8%) (when fully loaded).

Each block of weight increases Weight Mod by approximately 0.005 (by 0.004 for perks with 20 blocks of weight).

Weapon Speed Mod is set to 1 for nearly all weapons (except Minigun).
Survivalist's speed bonus works only with melee weapons.

Other perks with respective skills have their speed bonuses all the time.

Skill effects: Gunslinger's Steady: ADS-walking speed x2, SWAT's Tactical Movement: ADS- / crouch-walking speed x2.5,

Sharpshooter's Stability: walk / sprint speed x1.5 (only when crouching, hence x0.4 as well).

9mm Pistol / HRG 93R, Knife, Syringe and Welder have 0 weight.

In online Objective game (more than 1 player), while carrying Gear or Datapad, player's movement speed is set to: Walk - 2.03 m/s, Sprint - 2.80 m/s (and is not affected by speed bonuses, low health or weight penalties).

Gameplay - Parrying

Melee weapons have Parry Strength and ZEDs have Parry Resistance. The incoming attack can only be parried with the weapon that has the same or the greater Parry Strength than ZED's Parry Resistance. This rule DOES NOT apply at the damage mitigation process - parry window of the melee weapon lasts for the duration of its "brace-in" animation, any ZED attack encountered during this time will have its damage multiplied by the weapon's Parry damage multiplier OR if the "brace-in" animation is finished already - by the weapon's Block damage multiplier. The damage reduction does happen regardless of strength / resistance variables, however unlike blocking, parrying an attack causes ZED to play its stumble or parry-stumble animation. Some of the ZED's strong attacks (indicated with the red glow around their arms) cannot be parried in terms of stumbling ZEDs back but the damage mitigation for these attacks will still be there.

After player leaves the block state there is 0.5 seconds cooldown before they can trigger another block/parry animation. Melee weapons can only block ZED's melee attacks, however the Bone Crusher, Riot Shield and HRG Bastion can also parry (only Bone Crusher) and block some of the ZED's ranged attacks.

Player can only successfully parry or block the attack while facing the enemy. The required area covers 170 degrees angle in front of the player, 85 degrees to the each side from the view point.

ZEDs and Weapons To Parry Their Attacks
Minimum required weapon to parry a certain ZED (to make it stumble backwards).

Damage mitigation happens regardless of Resistance and Strength.

ZED its Resistance Parried by its Strength
Clot variants (Cyst, Alpha
Slasher, Rioter)
0 Knives (all) 1
Crawler 1
E.D.A.R variants
Gorefast 2 Crovel 3
Husk Piranha (single)
Bloat 3
Abomination 4 Road Redeemer 4
Fire Axe
Fleshpound variants Katana
Blast Brawlers
Hans Volter Piranha (dual)
Frost Fang
Matriarch Mosin Nagant
Hemoclobber 5
Patriarch Static Strikers
Scrake Battleaxe
Ion Thruster
Bone Crusher 6

Gameplay - PvP mode (anti-griefing)

Whenever during the wave time there will be no spare AI ZEDs to spawn, human-controlled ZEDs will be affected by anti-griefing system that will punish them for avoiding engagements. After spending 30 seconds without dealing or taking damage within 2 second intervals they will be taking damage that is 5% of their maximum health.

Gameplay - Stand Your Ground objectives

An optional tasks rewarding players with Dosh, XP and Vosh.

In Survival mode on official maps starting from wave 2 there is a 35% chance for an optional "Stand Your Ground" objective to appear. Upon receiving such objective players will be tasked to make their way into the designated area of the map. In this area players will have to kill ZEDs in exchange of extra Dosh, Vosh and XP. The reward counter starts with 0 and gets filled completely when 70% of all wave's ZEDs are killed within this area. Rewards given of objective deactivation, either after completing (full reward) it or by the end of the wave (rewards depend on % of ZEDs killed compare to 70% of the wave's total ZEDs).

It does not matter what ZEDs players kill - they all increase counter by exact same amount: Reward Per ZED = Promised Dosh / (0.70 x Wave Total AI).

Default objective activation chance (starting from wave 2, excluding boss wave) - 35% (Dosh Hold objectives on certain maps such as Airship have 100% chance).

Rewards scale with the game difficulty and how many ZEDs were killed within the area. Rewards based on % of ZEDs killed compare to the wave's 70% of all ZEDs.

Reward % = Min (Reward Per ZED x ZEDs Killed, Promised Dosh), where Reward Per ZED = Promised Dosh / (0.7 x Wave Total AI).

Additionally, Promised Dosh, XP and Vosh values are all depend from the game difficulty:

Dosh Scalar: Normal - x1, Hard - x1.1, Suicidal - x1.2, HOE - x1.3.
XP Scalar: Normal - x1, Hard - x1.1, Suicidal - x1.2, HOE - x1.3.
Vosh Scalar: Normal - x1, Hard - x1.1, Suicidal - x1.2, HOE - x1.3.

Base Dosh rewards per game length / wave:

Wave № Promised Dosh Promised XP Promised Vosh
2 150 50 2000
3 200 100 2500
4 250 150 2500
5 300 200 3000
6 350 250 3000
7 400 300 3500
8 400 350 3500
9 400 350 4000
10 400 350 5000

Note that all the values above are the subject of change as they all set manually, per map and location. For example SYG objectives on the "Krampus Lair" map have different requirements for holding areas to stay valid and on the "Spillway" the Dosh penalty for having too many ZEDs / too few players in the marked area is only 1 / 5 points per tick.

Gameplay - Trader

The next trader chosen by game is picked randomly from the list of available traders. Once picked it will be removed from that list until game runs out of available traders, when so the game will reset that list starting next cycle. This makes it so every trader will only be selected once per single cycle.

However, scripted traders are possible to set, as an example the Steam Fortress map in Objective mode has predetermined trader locations based on current wave.

To see list of available trader triggers one may use command: DisplayAll KFGameInfo TraderList (or GetAll, solo play only, DisplayClear to clear entries). To see currently predetermined (scripted) trader trigger: DisplayAll KFGameInfo ScriptedTrader (or GetAll, solo play only, DisplayClear to clear entries).

Gameplay - ZED decapitation

Whether weapon will decapitate or will it kill ZED instantly depends on amount of taken damage and remaining body health of the ZED. ZED can only be decapitated when it takes damage greater than its remaining head health but lesser than its remaining body health (as causing damage to head causes damage to body at the same time and having body health drained results in instant death). Note that when player lands a head blowing shot the extra damage to ZED's body health will be done as well - essentially ZED takes extra damage which is at least 25% of its maximum health plus the weapon damage itself (refer to step 10 of "ZEDs - Damage to take" mechanic for detailed information). If ZED will manage to have its head health depleted while still having positive body health value, it will be crippled and put into "headless wandering" state where it will stop sprinting and cloaking, get slower rotation rate and will be limited to basic headless attacks. An internal "headless bleedout time" will then start leaving just a couple of seconds for this ZED to live. If by the moment of decapitation ZED will be doing any kind of move other than heading towards players (such as playing attack or taunt animation), such animation will be ended instantly and ZED die without wandering around.

Despite common misconception ZEDs DO NOT lose health gradually when bleeding to death, however players are still free to shoot them as taking out their remaining health will finish them off prematurely.

E.D.A.R enemies do not bleed to death upon decapitation but extra damage application still happening, there are also other benifits such as them loosing accuracy and becoming unable to sprint.

Gameplay - ZED frustration

Whenever during the wave time there only 5 ZEDs remains, following ZEDs will enter frustration mode. In this mode ZEDs will be forced to sprint regardless of their normal sprint conditions. It takes them random (2.5-5) seconds to enter such mode. Scrakes, Fleshpounds and bosses cannot be frustrated.

ZEDs spawned during the boss wave are always frustrated.

Gameplay - ZED Time

ZED Time generally occurs upon ZEDs or players being killed (see table below).

ZED Time slows the world to 20% of its normal speed, ZED Time duration is 3 seconds, ZED Time is a timer, ZED Time can only be reset (not extended).

ZED Time info and odds:

  • ZED Time slows the world to 20% of its normal speed (i.e. by 5 times).
  • ZED Time duration - 3 seconds.
  • ZED Time is a timer (float value 3.0000). It constantly goes down to 0.
  • ZED Time cannot be extended by a certain amount of the seconds. Instead it resets back to 3.0000. Any perk can reset it once. At level 25 Commando can reset it up to 6 times (for every 5 levels Commando gets 1 extra reset).
  • ZED Time has a greater chance to appear over time. For the next 30 seconds since the last ZED Time: normal chance (x1); between 30-60s, two times more likely (x2); if 60s passed without ZED Time, four times more likely (x4).
  • Minimum interval between 2 ZED Times - 10 seconds. Cooldown begins at the very beginning of each ZED Time.
  • DOT-based damage types (e.g. Fire, Microwave, Freezethrower beam, Toxic; as well as killing single targets with C4; bodyshot-killing ZEDs with Hemogoblin or killing ZEDs with Reducto Ray) do NOT trigger ZED Time events.

ZED Time chances:

ZED Time chances
If player kills ZED (distance < 3m) 5%
- else if player kills ZED (distance > 3m) 2.5%
If ZED is killed with a headshot (distance < 25m) 3%
- else if ZED is killed with a headshot (distance > 25m) 5%
If player kills 4 or more ZEDs with an explosion 5%
- else if player kill 2-3 ZEDs with an explosion 3%
ZED kills player, player dies by other means 5%
Commando extension (reset) 100%
Boss dies (duration - 6 seconds) 100%
Sharpshooter player scores a headshot (not necessary lethal)
while having either of level 25 skills

ZED Time events:

  • On kill: the probability of the ZED Time upon killing ZED with a headshot is rolled separately from the generic probability that occurs when ZED is killed, e.g. if player kills ZED that is 10 meters away with a headshot there will be 2 rolls - 2.5% for killing ZED and then 3% for killing it with a headshot.
  • On explosion: the probability is either 5% if 4 or more ZEDs were killed at once or 3% if only 2 or 3 ZEDs were killed. This probability is also rolled separately from the one that occurs upon every death of the ZED.

ZED Time can affect players either partially or fully. If ZED Time appears and there are no players-in-ZEDTime or ZEDs nearby, player will enter ZED Time partially - world time will be slowed down but player will retain full movement / reload / weapon swap speed. Player will enter ZED Time fully as soon as they spot/get spotted by another player-in-ZEDTime or ZED or will simply perform a shot with the firearm. There are different visual and sound effects for entering either of ZED Times.

When ZED Time kicks in, variable ZedTimeExtensionsUsed (which is assigned to "game" and not to a certain player) will be reset to 0. On each next kill during the time ZED Time active the game will be checking how many times player can extend (reset) it - by default each class has ZedTimeExtension of 1, Commando has it up to 6 at level 25. If amount of the ZedTimeExtensionsUsed variable will be less than player's ZedTimeExtension, the ZED Time will be reset and ZedTimeExtensionsUsed counter will be increased by one. In other words first ever extension can be performed by any perk but all further - only by Commando. By any means only 6 ZED Time extensions can be used in single ZED Time chain (again, since it is bound to global "game" class).

ZED Time's time dilation does not change instantly when ZED Time is over. Instead during the last 0.5s of the ZED Time the game linearly accelerates world speed from 0.2 to 1 (blending out) providing smooth transition from slow-mo to normal speed. During this blending out time it is still considered that ZED Time is active and it is still possible to extend (reset) its duration.

Trivia: Normally ZED Time will not trigger on braindead ZEDs (dummy pawn), however ZED Time evaluations for headshot kills or for explosive kills do not require AI Controllers and will work regardless.

Gameplay - ZED Time resistance

Certain skills provide ZED Time resistance. By default actions (shooting, moving, reloading etc.) have no ZED Time resistance at all (weapon equipping and putting down has ZED Time resistance of 35%). These skills add % of how much certain action has to be resistant to slow-mo effect: 0 (0%) - no resistance, 1 (100%) - full ZED Time resistance. ZED Time slows the world to 20% of its normal speed (0.2 vs. 1), the subject of change which being modified by skills is for how much the world is slowed: 1 - 0.2 = 0.8. If skill gives full ZED Time resistance, the action will be happening at rate of 0.2 + 0.8 x 1 = 1 (i.e. at full speed), if skill gives 50% resistance the action will be happening at rate of 0.2 + 0.8 x 0.5 = 0.6, so when everything will be slowed to 20% (by 5 times) the said action will only be slowed to 60% of its normal speed, i.e. by 1 / 0.6 = 1.67 times.

Weapon swapping has ZED Time resistance of 35%. When ZED Time occurs, weapon swapping slowed by 1 / (0.2 + 0.8 x 0.35) = 2.08 times. Commando's Tactician skill adds additional 30% to the base 35% resistance value making weapon swaps in ZED Time only 1 / (0.2 + 0.8 x (0.35 + 0.3)) = 1.39 times slower than if it would be in real time.

Gunslinger's and Survivalist's passive ZED Time Reload bonus (up to +75% at level 25), instead, decreases time that it takes to play reload animation by 3% per level: at level 25 it only takes 25% of regular reload time to finish the animation which increases reload speed in ZED Time by 4 times. Gunslinger's Fan Fare skill cancels passive ZED Time Reload and instead gives it full ZED Time resistance.

Perks - Attack / reload speed

Despite the fact that perk description says "+X% of speed", it does not directly change the speed but instead it decreases duration of the attack / reload animation by listed value. For example -25% duration of the reload animation will actually increase its speed by 1 / 0.75=1.33 or 33% and -50% of the melee attack animation will increase its speed by 1 / 0.5 = 2 or 100%. This rule also applied on ROF changing skills - 25% faster firing actually means that it takes 25% less time to perform subsequent shot which increases Rate Of Fire by 33.3%.

Combination of few speed bonus applied at same time is a result of multiplication, not a result of sum. For example if two speed bonus (-15% and - 30%) applied at time the final speed bonus will not be -45% but instead it will be (1 - 0.15) x (1 - 0.3) = 0.595 = 41.5% less time to play the animation. This increases actual speed by 1 / 0.595 = 1.68 times.

Perks - Damage calculation

Note: Upgrade bonuses take place before all other calculations. Each upgrade is a multiplier toward weapon's DEFAULT damage value, it overriders (does not stack) the previous upgrade: 20 x 1.1 -> 20 x 1.2 etc. Upgrade calculations imply interger values: 15 x 1.1 = 16.5 = 16. Upgrades do NOT improve Bash damage. Upgrades do NOT improve Ground Fire / Residual Flame damage of the flame-based weapons but DO improve DOT and Splash damage.

With each next damage bonus associated with the perk, the base weapon damage will be increased by (base damage) x damage modification value. Sum of all damage adjustments will be either ROUNDED or ROUNDED UP - ROUNDED for Berserker, Demolitionist, Firebug, Survivalist and SWAT and ROUNDED UP for Commando, Support, Gunslinger and Sharpshooter.

Example 1: Commando + SCAR-H Assault Rifle + level 25 passive bonus + Hollow Point Rounds damage bonus: Damage = Roundup (55+55x0.25+55x0.3) = 86, where 0.25 is a passive damage modifier and 0.3 is a modifier of Hollow Point Rounds skill.

Example 2: Demolitionist + RPG-7 (impact + explosion) + level 25 passive bonus: Damage (impact) = Round (150+150x0.25) = 188. Damage (explosion) = Round (750+750x0.25) = 938. Total damage = 188+938 = 1126, where 0.25 is a passive damage modifier.

Weapons - 9mm, knife and grenades

Note, that bonuses that apply on 9mm(s) will also apply on HRG 93R(s)

List of perks and how their skills interact with said weapons.

  • Berserker: Does NOT get bonuses for 9mm bullet damage, DOES get bonuses for 9mm bash attack via passive, Butcher and Parry skills. DOES get extra stumble power for 9mm bash attack (as its damage type - "Bludgeon_RifleButt" - is on-perk for Berserker, this damage type is also used by bash attacks of all non-melee weapons). DOES get all the bonuses for knife.
  • Commando: 9mm Pistol(s) get extra damage via Passive bonus, Machine Gunner and Fallback skills (Fallback skill as well affects damage of the bash attack). DOES get faster reload speed via Tactical Reload (but NOT through passive bonus). Does NOT get extra stumble power for 9mm (neither bullets or bash attack affected). Knife DOES get extra damage via passive, Fallback and Hollow Point Rounds skills. Unlike SWAT's counterpart, Fallback melee damage DOES stack with passive (and HPR too).
  • Support: Does NOT get damage and stumble power bonuses for 9mm at all. DOES get extra damage for knife via passive and Salvo skills.
  • Field Medic: Does NOT get damage bonuses for 9mm at all. DOES get extra damage for knife via Battle Surgeon skill. Also when (self-)healed with Focus Injection skill, Field Medic DOES get damage bonuses for ALL weapons for a short period of time.
  • Demolitionist: Does NOT get damage and incap power bonuses for 9mm at all. DOES get extra damage for knife via passive, Bombardier skills and also via Armor Piercing Rounds skill when knife hits any "critical" zone (zone with damage multiplier greater than 1).
  • Firebug: Does NOT get bonuses for 9mm at all. Does NOT get faster reload for 9mm via passive skill. DOES get extra damage for knife via passive and Bring the Heat skills.
  • Gunslinger and Sharpshooter both DO get all the bonuses for 9mm and Knife via matching skills.
  • SWAT: 9mm Pistol(s) ONLY gets extra damage via Close Combat Training skill (skill as well affects damage of the bash attack). Does NOT get extra stumble power for 9mm via Suppression Rounds but DOES get extra stumble power via Rapid Assault skill (this skill provides extra stumble power to off-perk weapons too). Knife DOES get extra damage via passive and Close Combat Training skills. Unlike Commando's counterpart, Close Combat Training melee damage does NOT stack with passive (it is either bonus from passive (without this skill) or bonus from the skill itself).
  • Survivalist: DOES get bonuses for 9mm (bullet and bash attack damage) via passive skill, Melee Expert skill does NOT affect 9mm bash attack damage. DOES get incap bonuses for 9mm and knife via Lockdown skill. DOES get extra damage for knife via passive and Melee Expert skills.

Grenades behave somehow oddly. They are projectiles and not actual weapons, when player tosses grenade it is being automatically assigned to whatever weapon the player currently holds. If this weapon is on-perk for player's perk then it WILL GET damage bonuses, otherwise it will not. This rule, HOWEVER, only works if grenade's damage type is NOT in the perk's on-perk damage type list. Otherwise (if grenade's damage type is on-perk for player's perk) the grenade will get all matching damage bonuses regardless. For example, damage type of Commando's HE Grenade is not on-perk for Commando so this perk will only be doing extra damage with its own grenade while holding on-perk weapon such as AR-15 or AK-12. At the same time Demolitionist's Dynamite Grenade is on-perk for its owner in terms of damage type hence will always be getting damage bonuses regardless of carried weapon.

  • Support's Salvo does NOT affect Frag Grenade damage (but DOES affect damage of shards) regardless of the weapon player holds.
  • Unlike Commando's Fallback, SWAT's Close Combat Training DOES increase damage of the Flashbang grenade when it is thrown while holding either 9mm Pistol(s) / HRG 93R(s) or a knife.

Weapons - Ammo modification skills

Certain skills modify magazine size of the weapon AND / OR its spare ammo pool.

Magazine size modification increases amount of the ammo in each magazine. This extra ammo is NOT being taken from maximum spare ammo pool. Spare ammo modification does not imply magazine size of the weapon, it only modifies amount of the maximum spare ammo. Certain skills also increase the ammo pool of the 9mm Pistol(s) / HRG 93R(s).

Weapons - Bullets / projectiles / hitscans / shards

Firearms can utilize both - hitscans AND / OR projectiles.

Shotgun pellets, grenades, rockets, Eviscerator's saw blades, Crossbow's bolts, arrows, AF2011-A1's and Rhino's bullets, HRG Nailgun's, Helios Rifle's projectiles, healing darts and shrapnel are always projectiles. ARs, SMGs, Rifles and pistols are hitscans unless in slow-mo, where they become projectiles. Flame-based weapons use sprays - physical objects that do damage when collide with targets.

Upon explosion, the Support's Frag Grenade and Gunslinger's Nail Bomb both spawn shards. Shards cover 360 degrees area around the explosion epicenter. The angle between each two shards (yaw rotation) is equal to 360 / Shard Amount. Minimum pitch angle (the angle between floor and potential shard direction) is 10 degrees, maximum - 35 degrees.

Life Span

Projectile's LifeSpan (time to live), note that some weapons only fire projectiles in ZED Time hence TimeDilation needs to be considered as well. Once this timer expires the projectile disappears:

Bullets / pellets / healing darts / all non further mentioned projectiles - 4s, Eviscerator, Piranha Pistol and Crossbow - 8s, Compound Bow arrow - 10s (for all 3 weapons - 180s once projectile stuck on a surface), VLAD-1000 Nailgun - 5s, HRG Stunner alt-fire - 14s, Blunderbuss shrapnel - 2s, HRG Crossboom - 20s, HRG Scrorcher's flare - 20s (0.5s alt-fire), HRG Winterbite and HRG Vampire's Crystal Spike - 10s, HRG Beluga Beat's projectile: low-freq - 1.3s, high-freq - 10s, HRG Nailgun - 2s, HRG Arc Generator sphere - 10s, HX25 / M79 / M203 / HRG Incendiary Rifle grenade / M32 projectiles - 25s, Grenades / HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle's grenade / other Demolitionist's weapons - 14s, C4 - does not have lifespan timer, Mine Reconstructor's mine and HRG Vampire's Blood Ball - 300s, Doshinegun's Dosh projectile - 120s.

For all projectiles except Demolitionist's ballistic-explosive (and HRG Winterbite projectiles as they are ballistic-explosive too), grenades and Mine Reconstructor's mines the LifeSpan timer is also affected by current time dilation (e.g. ZED Time): LifeSpan = LifeSpan x TimeDilation (0.2 in ZED Time).

Maximum distance that projectile can travel without hitting surface before disappearing: Distance = LifeSpan x Projectile Speed.

Weapons - Ballistic-explosive tracing

Ballistic-explosive projectiles can collide with both - ZED's hitzones and collision cylinder.

Explosive weapons that do two types of the damage (ballistic and explosive) at same time (for example M79, M32, HRG Winterbite) use Ballistic_Explosive type of projectiles. These projectiles can collide with either - ZED's hitzone (head, arms, legs, torso etc...) when hit is assured or with ZED's collision cylinder - an outer cylinder-shaped "hitbox" that defies ZED's size in the world. If projectile misses all the hitzones it will attempt to collide with the collision cylinder. In such case damage will be dealt to the nearest (from the explosion epicenter) hitzone. Ballistic_Explosive projectiles do impact damage at any range, regardless if they explode or dud due to minimum arm distance. Most if not all projectiles of this type are vulnerable to Siren's Scream attack and once affected will disintegrate without explosion.

Weapons - Damage types

Generally damage types to determine following: Visuals (gore, dismemberment, amount of the blood, impulse / velocity given to living or death ZEDs, impact effects, obliteration etc...), DOT existence (its damage, duration and interval) and Weapon Powers. But most importantly damage type of the weapon determines its general effectiveness against specific ZED as ZEDs are resistant to some and vulnerable to other types of the damage.

Ballistic = Normal bullets or projectiles and their respective sub-damage types (handguns, shotguns, rifles etc.); Ballistic_Shell = impact damage of the weapons that use ballistic-explosive types of projectiles; Slashing = Edged melee weapons, Eviscerator's and Piranha Pistol's projectiles, melee attack of Frost Fang; Bludgeon = Bludgeoning weapons, bash with any weapon's buttstock, Riot Shield's bash, HRG Ballistic Bouncer projectile; Bleeding = Hemogoblin's and HRG Locust's DOT, HRG Vampire's primary attack; Toxic = Poisoning damage such as Medic Grenades, Mines of Mine Reconstructor and Bloat, DOT of Acidic Rounds / Zedative skills, radiation cloud of Nuke skill, HRG Healthrower and whatever else that heals players while damaging ZEDs; Explosive = Explosives; Piercing = Bows, Frag Grenade's and Nail Bomb's shards, stab attack of the edged melee weapons, Mosin Nagant's and Compound Bow's bayonets, HRG Nailgun, shrapnel of Blunderbuss; Fire = Fire-based weapons and their DOTs; Microwave = Microwave Gun, Helios Rifle, Killerwatt's beam, HRG Teslauncher's and ZED MKIII's primary; EMP = EMP Grenades, HV Storm Cannon, all of HRG Arc Generator's attacks; Freeze = Freezethrower, impact and the explosion of HRG Winterbite's projectiles, Compound Bow's cryo arrow, Freeze Grenade; None (not specified) = a basic type of the damage that ZED is not weak or resistant to.

Damage types are often associated with certain perks (being on-perk damage types) meaning that these perks will be getting damage, incap power, or other bonuses for the weapons inflicting this type of damage.

Damage types extend each other. For example damage type "Fire" is a parrent damage type for "Fire_FlameThrower". If perk is associated with the parent damage type it is also associated with all of its sub- (child) damage types unless the sub-damage type listed to have another perk to belong to.

Damage types that apply Damage Over Time (such as Fire or Toxic) generally are incapable of triggering ZED Time events.

Weapons - Drop on death

Upon death players will drop their current held weapon. If current weapon cannot be dropped (9mm Pistol / / HRG 93R, Knife, Syringe or a Welder), instead the best weapon in terms of "priority" attribute will be thrown away. Best weapon is the highest "priority" weapon chosen in Primary - Secondary - Melee order. If two of the weapons within one group will be having same priority, the first to come in the inventory will be considered as the best one.

Weapon Priority Weapon Priority
AssaultRifle_AK12 75 Minigun 130
AssaultRifle_AR15 25 Pistol_AF2011 25
AssaultRifle_Bullpup 50 Pistol_Bladed 25
AssaultRifle_Doshinegun 50 Pistol_Blunderbuss 100
AssaultRifle_FAMAS 80 Pistol_ChiappaRhino 22
AssaultRifle_G36C 100 Pistol_ChiappaRhinoDual 42
AssaultRifle_HRGIncendiaryRifle 50 Pistol_Colt1911 20
AssaultRifle_HRGTeslauncher 100 Pistol_Deagle 25
AssaultRifle_LazerCutter 125 Pistol_Dual9mm 20
AssaultRifle_M16M203 50 Pistol_DualAF2011 45
AssaultRifle_Medic 100 Pistol_DualBladed 45
AssaultRifle_MedicRifleGrenade 125 Pistol_DualColt1911 40
AssaultRifle_Microwave 125 Pistol_DualDeagle 45
AssaultRifle_MKB42 75 Pistol_DualFlare 35
AssaultRifle_SCAR 100 Pistol_DualHRGWinterbite 35
AssaultRifle_Thompson 50 Pistol_Flare 15
AutoTurret 11 Pistol_G18C 75
Beam_Microwave 100 Pistol_HRGScorcher 75
Blunt_ChainBat 50 Pistol_HRGWinterbite 15
Blunt_Crovel 47 Pistol_Medic 25
Blunt_MaceAndShield 110 Revolver_DualRem1858 35
Blunt_MedicBat 75 Revolver_DualSW500 50
Blunt_PowerGloves 110 Revolver_Rem1858 15
Blunt_Pulverizer 75 Revolver_SW500 30
Bow_CompoundBow 125 Rifle_CenterfireMB464 50
Bow_Crossbow 50 Rifle_FrostShotgunAxe 80
Edged_AbominationAxe 125 Rifle_Hemogoblin 75
Edged_FireAxe 50 Rifle_HRGIncision 100
Edged_IonThruster 125 Rifle_M14EBR 75
Edged_Katana 50 Rifle_M99 125
Edged_Scythe 50 Rifle_MosinNagant 75
Edged_Zweihander 75 Rifle_ParasiteImplanter 100
Eviscerator 100 Rifle_RailGun 100
Flame_CaulkBurn 25 Rifle_Winchester1894 25
Flame_Flamethrower 75 RocketLauncher_RPG7 100
FN FAL ACOG 100 RocketLauncher_SealSqueal 75
GravityImploder 125 RocketLauncher_Seeker6 100
GrenadeLauncher_HX25 25 RocketLauncher_ThermiteBore 100
GrenadeLauncher_M32 125 Shotgun_AA12 100
GrenadeLauncher_M79 75 Shotgun_DoubleBarrel 50
HRG_93R_Dual 20 Shotgun_DragonsBreath 50
HRG_BallisticBouncer 80 Shotgun_ElephantGun 110
HRG_BarrierRifle 125 Shotgun_HRG_Kaboomstick 75
HRG_BlastBrawlers 110 Shotgun_HZ12 55
HRG_Boomy 50 Shotgun_MB500 25
HRG_CranialPopper 75 Shotgun_Medic 75
HRG_Crossboom 70 Shotgun_Nailgun 50
HRG_Dragonbreath 110 Shotgun_S12 100
HRG_EMP_ArcGenerator 100 ShrinkRayGun 100
HRG_Energy 125 SMG_G18 100
HRG_Healthrower 75 SMG_HK_UMP 90
HRG_Locust 100 SMG_Kriss 100
HRG_MedicMissile 100 SMG_Mac10 60
HRG_Nailgun 75 SMG_Medic 50
HRG_Revolver_Buckshot 75 SMG_MP5RAS 60
HRG_Revolver_DualBuckshot 75 SMG_MP7 50
HRG_SonicGun 75 SMG_P90 80
HRG_Stunner 100 Thrown_C4 11
HRG_Vampire 100 ZedMKIII 125
HRG_Warthog 11
HuskCannon 75
HVStormCannon 125
Ice_FreezeThrower 75
LMG_MG3 100
LMG_Stoner63A 100
Mine_Reconstructor 80

Weapons - Explosion falloff

Most explosives gradually lose their effectiveness (damage) over the distance from the explosion epicenter.

0 (none) = Explosion does full damage within its radius, 1 (linear) = damage over the range changes linearly from the maximum at epicenter to the minimum at its edge, 0.5/2/3 (exponential) = damage over the range changes by formula:

   Final Damage = Base Damage x ((Proximity Percentage) ^ Falloff value).

Example: Explosion (damage - 100, radius - 10 meters) vs. ZED (2 meters away from the epicenter) :

  • No falloff - ZED will take full damage.
  • Linear falloff - ZED will take ((10-2)/10)x100 = 80 points of damage.
  • Exponential falloff (power of 0.5) - ZED will take (((10-2)/10)^0.5)x100 = 89 points of damage.
  • Exponential falloff (power of 2) - ZED will take (((10-2)/10)^2)x100 = 64 points of damage.
  • Exponential falloff (power of 3) - ZED will take (((10-2)/10)^3)x100 = 51 points of damage.

Weapons - Explosion tracing

Explosions do not trace hit zones. Player cannot damage certain ZED's limb with an explosion. Hit detection happens by checking whether explosion sphere does or does not make a contact with the ZED's collision cylinder. Since explosions do not trace hit zones it is not possible to apply certain weapon power (knockdown, stun etc...) to a certain body part. Instead all weapon powers are being applied to the ZED's "torso" body part.

However, damage inflicted by an explosion is a subject of change depending on the victim's Exposure Percentage. By default uncovered victim (player or ZED) takes full damage (Exposure Percentage = 1). Victim hidden behind an obstacle has Exposure Percentage of at least 0.3 plus 0.4 if its head is NOT covered plus 0.15 for each of UNCOVERED leg. Upon explosion the damage to take will be multiplied by an Exposure Percentage value.

Weapons - Fire / flame weapons

Fire-spraying weapons have various sources of the damage.

Direct hits with a fire-spraying weapons cause FLAME DAMAGE which is applied at a certain rate of fire. At the same time at same rate all targets within certain proximity (SPLASH DAMAGE RADIUS) from the initial target take "indirect" damage - SPLASH DAMAGE. Immediately after taking damage and for some time after ZEDs starts to suffer from the DAMAGE OVER TIME (DOT) effect. Afterburn has its own duration and interval to apply the damage which is specific for a different sources of fire damage. Amount of the damage per afterburn tick is a % of initial damage, e.g. amount of the damage per DOT tick after taking direct hit (as well as interval and duration) will be different from amount of the damage per tick after taking Ground Fire / Residual Flame damage.

Flame based weapons are also capable of creating either GROUND FIRE or RESIDUAL FLAME (depending on the weapon) - both are small bonfires that remain of the ground for a certain amount of the time with the main difference is that Ground Fire sticks to walls and ceiling while Residual Flames are affected by gravity and attempts to fall on the floor. Ground Fire / Residual Flame are applied at a different rate, has its own damage, radius and falloff as well as its own afterburn attributes. Two Ground Fires (but not Residual Flames) cannot spawn on top of each other unless there would be at least 0.25 meters between them.

In most cases each time ZED takes damage its DOT parameters are being reset, however there might be exceptions. See Gameplay - Damage over time (DOT) for more details.

Weapons - Flame tracing / post-firing

Flame-based weapons (such as Flamethrower or Microwave Gun) do trace hitzones although it is really to hit a certain on purpose (e.g. head) due to complexity of collision calculation between ZED and flame (which is a physical object), incap effects ("panic") that these weapons apply, weapon recoil and ZED's animations.

Sprays of the flame-based weapons have a post-firing lifetime where they keep doing damage for a short period of time after player releases fire button. It takes 0.35 seconds to finish the "flame ending" animation, during this time weapon will be doing damage without consuming ammo. "Flame ending" animation will be canceled and ended earlier should the player trigger new "flame start" animation.

Weapons - Melee tracing

Amount of damage done by a melee weapon depends on attack direction.

Damage done by a melee weapon depends on attack direction and on how well melee tracer connects with the ZED's body: vertical strikes do more damage while horizontal strikes do less damage but cover wider area around the player. Pure horizontal strikes (left-to-right / right-to-left swings when player strafes left or right and executes an attack OR certain swings within light attack combo of certain weapons) do never more than 75% and never less than 50% of the base weapon damage depending on the angle between screen center and ZED - closer target to the player's view center, more damage it takes.

In PC version of the game to find out melee attack direction players may use console command DisplayAll KFMeleeHelperWeapon CurrentAttackDir (DisplayClear to remove on screen information). If attack reports DIR_Left or DIR_Right then damage is being reduced for it.

Weapons - Penetration power

Weapons have Penetration Power and ZEDs have Penetration Resistance.

If weapon has Penetration Power its bullet or projectile can pass through ZED's body as long as Penetration Power will be greater (greater, not equal) than ZED's Penetration Resistance. Once passed through ZED, Penetration Power of the weapon will be reduced by amount of the ZED's Penetration Resistance. As long as it is greater than Penetration Resistance of each next ZED it will continue to penetrate. Support's passive skill adds 0.2 points to the weapon's Penetration Power per level. All players have penetration resistance of 1.

With each next penetration, damage gets reduced by amount of the Penetration Power left compare to its base value. For example - Shotgun (Penetration Power = 2) penetrate a Clot (Penetration Resistance = 1). Penetration Power that remains is 2 - 1 = 1. Damage that will be done to the next Clot is 1 / 2 = 0.5 or 50% of the initial weapon damage. This means that penetration-related skills not just increase amount of the bodies weapon can penetrate but also decrease the damage reduction for each subsequent penetration kill.

Support's Penetrator and Gunslinger's Line 'em Up skills remove the damage penetration curve completely, skill owners will always be doing full damage to ZEDs regardless from amount of the penetrated bodies. However Penetration Power loss still remains.

Damage reduction on penetration happens after calculating upgraded weapon damage but before calculating damage to ZED: Calculate upgraded damage -> Reduce damage on penetration (Damage = Rounddown (Damage x (Remaining Penetration Power / Initial Penetration Power)) -> Calculate damage to ZED ("ZEDs - Damage to take" mechanic).

Weapons - Recoil and spread

Amount of the recoil and bullet spread depends on the player's stance.

Every weapon has its own predefined range of the values - maximum and minimum pitch and yaw. Each time weapon fired, game picks random values from that range and moves player's POV into these coordinates. It takes different amount of the time (weapon-specific Recoil Time) to finish the move. Generally Recoil Time is shorter than weapon's fire interval so every recoil application could apply its full move without overrides from the subsequent recoil applications. The faster weapon fires, the bigger max / min recoil values and the shorter Recoil Time it has - the more overall and more "spike"-ish recoil will be. Maximum and minimum pitch and yaw range to pick values from is affected by recoil modifiers - it can either be increased with the recoil modifier greater than 1 or decreased otherwise.

Recoil modifiers are multiplicative - player using 9mm Pistol while crouching and hip-firing will be having recoil modifier of 0.75x1.75 = 1.3125. Recoil for shooting while jumping / falling will also take on account modifiers for hip-firing and jogging - SCAR-H Assault Rifle will be having recoil modifier of 1x1.75x1.5 = 2.625. Lowest possible recoil can be achieved by crouching stationary and aiming down the sights. Recoil modifying skills and bonuses multiply final recoil modifier (after taking on account falling, walking or jogging, crouching and hip-firing modifiers) of the weapon by listed value.

Player stances that has impact on weapon recoil: "crouched" - player is ducking, "falling" - player is airborne (jumping or falling), "hip" - player hip-firing (without ADS-ing), "jogging" - player moving or crouch-moving without ADS-ing, "walking" - player moving or crouch-moving while aiming down the sights.

Spread is a random bullet or projectile deviation from the player's initial aiming point. Spread values listed at weapon pages are NOT measured in angles. Spread calculation is a complicated process involving rotators (structures to store X, Y, Z aiming coordinates) and scalar products of vectors. An example below is a conversion of spread factor of Tommy Gun (0.024) into degrees assuming only Y-axis (i.e. how much bullet deviates to the right or left from the actual aiming point). Note that this is abstract example as it only implies one axis with X and Z axises being skipped.

Each time weapon fired game picks random float variable RandY = FRand() - 0.5, meaning that its range will be within (-0.5, +0.5). "-" and "+" defy in which direction from the player's POV bullet should move. For simplicity sake let RandY always be +0.5 which is the highest deviation bullet can has while moving "right" from the player's POV. Y-axis spread is a scalar product of two vectors (0, 1, 0) and (0, RandY x CurrentSpread x 1, 0). CurrentSpread (assuming that player hip fires while standing) is 0.024, RandY is 0.5. Vector1 x Vector 2 = 3 / 250 = 0.012 radians which is 0.012 x (180 / Pi) = ~0.69 degrees.

Spread value does not change while in continuous firing, it does not build up or cooldown at all - the first ever bullet from the fresh magazine will have just as much spread on it as the last. Spread modifiers of CurrentSpread in the example above do stack up together. Maximum spread modifier is 1, minimum is 0.5x0.75 = 0.375 (while crouching and aiming down the sights). Shotguns do not change their spread with the player's stance change.

HX25 Grenade Pistol note: Unlike other multi-projectile weapons, this weapon has its spread profile adjusted to be more predictable (circle-shaped). One of the pellets of this weapon is always dead-center.

Weapons - Reloading

There are different reload animations and some animations can be sped up.

There are normal reloads and "elite" reloads. Duration of "elite" reload animation is shorter and weapon-specific. Whenever player reloading there is separate timing for updating ammo counter and for allowing to cancel the reload animation. If player managed to cancel reload (by other means, e.g. weapon switching) before reaching the time that it takes to update ammo counter the reload will not be completed.

Passive skills that increase reload speed actually decrease the duration of reload animation. For example Firebug's 20% reload speed bonus actually means 1 / 0.8 = 25% faster reloading.

Some weapons (mostly ones that hold only one bullet / projectile chambered at time) have a "force reload" attribute which is an artificial delay that needs to expire before the weapon will be automatically reloaded. It should be noted that even without "force reload" value every weapon has a short delay (fire interval) before it can be reloaded as firstly fire interval needs to be finished so weapon could leave "firing" state. Fire interval is a delay between every two shots fired by weapon.

Magazine-fed dual pistols (e.g. Dual M1911 Pistols) have half-empty reload animation for a situation when only 1 bullet remains in shared ammo pool (e.g. when 1 gun is unloaded but the other still holds 1 round (or 3 for Dual HRG 93R Pistols)).

Weapons - Upgrades

Upgrades improve various aspects of the weapons such as damage, handling or ammunition.

  • Damage: Base damage of the weapon is being multiplied by X value. Does NOT work with the Ground Fire and Residual Flames. Calculation of upgraded damage takes place before perk bonuses, ZED's hitzones and resistances (see "ZEDs - Damage to Take"). Outcome rounded down to INT.
  • Magazine capacity: Increases base magazine capacity of the weapon. Calculation takes place before perk effects. Outcome rounded down to INT.
  • Spare ammo capacity: Increases spare ammo capacity of the weapon. Calculation takes place before perk effects. Outcome rounded down to INT.
  • Spread: Improves bullet deviation from the aim point. Does NOT work with shotguns. Calculation takes place before taking on account aiming, moving and crouching spread adjustments (see "Weapons - Recoil and spread"). Outcome is a FLOAT variable.
  • Penetration: Increases initial penetration power of the weapon. Calculation takes place before perk effects. Outcome is a FLOAT variable.
  • Explosion radius: Increases AOE radius of the projectiles. Does NOT work with the Ground Fire and Residual Flames. For ballistic-explosive projectiles calculation takes place after perk effects. Outcome is a FLOAT variable.
  • Reload rate: Reload time of the weapon is being multiplied by X value. Calculation is multiplicative with the perk effects, e.g. reload rate of x0.9 will stuck with lvl 25 Firebug's passive reload rate of x0.8 for a total of 0.9 x 0.8 = x0.72 of the normal weapon reload time which will increase reload speed by 1 / 0.72 = 1.39 times.
  • Recoil: Base recoil modifier of the weapon is being set to X value. Calculation takes place before taking on account stance modifiers (falling, walking or jogging, crouching and hip-firing) and perk effects (see "Weapons - Recoil and spread").
  • Melee rate: Melee animation time is being multiplied by X value. Calculation is multiplicative with the perk effects, e.g. melee rate of x0.9 will stuck with lvl 10 Berserker's Butcher or Vampire rate of x0.8 for a total of 0.9 x 0.8 = x0.72 of the normal melee animation time which will increase melee speed by 1 / 0.72 = 1.39 times.
  • Affliction power: Increases initial given weapon power of the weapon. Calculation takes place before perk effects. Outcome is a FLOAT variable.
  • Weight: Increases weapon's weight.
  • Heal amount: Increases amount of the health to apply by healer. Calculation takes place before perk effects. Outcome rounded down to INT.
  • Heal recharge: Time to fully recharge the healer is being multiplied by X value. Calculation takes place before perk effects. Outcome is a FLOAT variable.
  • Block / parry damage mitigation: Block / parry damage multiplier of the weapon is being multiplied by X value. This decreases damage to take even further, e.g. mitigation scale of x0.9 on top of Zweihander's parry scale of x0.4 will result in all damage from parried attacks to be multiplied by 0.9 x 0.4 = x0.36.

ZEDs - Aggro

ZEDs can be aggressive not just to players but also to each other.

Along the complicated mechanism of choosing the target to chase, ZED might become aggressive to the player whenever in single attack it takes damage which is at least 10% of its maximum health. It is not necessary for ZED to become aggressive to the player who shot it. ZED might become aggressive to the player it was initially targeting.

ZED will not change its current enemy if:

  • Not enough time passed since the last enemy change time (min - 5s).
  • New potential enemy already targeted by at least 3 other ZEDs.
  • ZED is currently doing melee attack.
  • Current enemy is within ZED's strike range.
  • ZED's AI paused.
  • ZED has LOS on its current enemy and that enemy is also closer to ZED than its new potential enemy.
  • If ZED can see current enemy and cannot see its new potential enemy.

ZED might change its current enemy if:

  • ZED does not have LOS on its current enemy.
  • Distance to current enemy is 20% greater than distance to the new potential enemy.
  • Path to current enemy is blocked by the new potential enemy that has also scored damage that is at least 10% of ZED's maximum health.
  • If ZED seeing its new potential enemy, new potential enemy is targeted by less than 3 other ZEDs and "ZEDs targeting current enemy / ZEDs targeting new potential enemy" ratio > 0.5 (evaluation of this event begin when ZED get closer than 15m to players, radius to check how many other ZEDs are targeting players - 10m around each player).

ZED that has lost at least 15% total of its maximum health from the attacks (accidental or intentional) from another ZED, might become aggressive and will attack this ZED. ZEDs with 100+ of current health (not maximum) take more damage from the other ZEDs when fighting, the damage value scales by formula:

   Damage To Take Multiplier = ( 2 - (HealthMax - Health) / HealthMax)

I.e. first ever hit to ZED that has 100+ HP from the other ZED will do twice more damage, all further hits will only be doing less damage since the multiplier declines with the HP loss. This formula works based only on ZED's current health - as soon as HP drops below 100, this ZED starts taking normal amount of the damage without additional multipliers.

ZEDs - Attacks and strikes

ZEDs attack within certain range, attack itself has its maximum execution range.

Each ZED has a set of attacks (animation set) that it can execute. Each attack can be performed under the certain conditions including maximum and minimum range of attack. Within that range ZED will be evaluating a possibility to perform such attack. Attack animation itself has the maximum range where it does damage (i.e. making contact with the player). Depending on the game difficulty ZEDs getting specific odds to execute weak / medium / hard attacks. These types have nothing to do with the damage inflicted but rather defy complexity and amount of the possible moves, i.e. on harder difficulties ZEDs getting more of available attacks.

There are various factors to determine whether ZED can perform certain attack or not - chance, difficulty limits, maximum and minum range of attack, cooldown, only when / when not X (X - moving, sprinting, enraged, surrounded, headless, cloaked etc.). On higher difficulties ZEDs have wider variety of attacks that they can possibly execute.

It should be noted that animation set is a static object and is shared between all the ZEDs of the same type (e.g. all Scrakes or Husks use the same static list of attacks they can pull out) unlike, for example, health or movement speed which are rather handled on the per-ZED basis. If certain attack in the list has global cooldown and one of the ZEDs has already played it recently, the game writes time stamp next to this attack and all the other ZEDs around have to wait for this cooldown to expire before attempting to play it again. As for global cooldown, nearly all of the ZED's melee attacks have it, common cool downs varying in length of 2-10 seconds, but might as well be shorter for some ZEDs and greater for others.

Due to complexity and influence of randomness, this wiki does NOT contain detailed information on each attack and its conditions, especially implying that without visual representation it will be hard for readers to figure and match names and numbers. For such purposes players may individually examinate ZED's animation sets and "_AnimGroup" archetypes in Killing Floor 2 SDK as well as query the information in a text form (yet again without visual representation) by typing in console "GetAll KFPawnAnimInfo Attacks".

There are 2 types of ZEDs melee attacks: 1. Impact Attacks, generally performed by the weak ZEDs (Clots, Crawlers, some of the Stalker attacks) - basic "one-target-at-time" type of attacks. To do damage by these attacks, ZED should face its enemy, ZED's target should be within melee attack range and not blocked by obstacles. 2. Swipe Attacks - an "AOE-within-cone-shaped-segment" type of attacks. These attacks can do damage to multiple targets within designated area - forward, forward-left, forward-right, backward etc. Mostly used by medium-to-big ZEDs like Gorefasts, Scrakes, Fleshpounds. Much like Impact Attacks, Swipe Attacks requiring to-target-LOS-clearance and can only collide with the players within melee attack range.

Player-controlled ZEDs do Area Melee Attacks. These attacks perform collision checks within ~174,2 degrees cone segments (87,1 degrees to both sides from the player's view direction). Area Melee Attacks will not register if Z-axis difference (height) between ZED and its victim will be greater than ZED's collision cylinder's height x 1.5 (for better representation "getall kfpawn location", Abs(VictimLocation.Z - Instigator.Location.Z) > Instigator.CollisionHeight x 1.5). Melee damage inficted to human players DOES NOT scale over the distance. It either does or does not happen.

ZEDs - Clot grapple

All Clots can perform a grapple attack.

Grapple is a special move. Grapple prioritized over normal attacks, evaluation of possibility to perform a grapple attack happens each time Clots performs a melee attack. Different Clots have different odds to perform a grapple attack. Maximum distance to play grapple start animation and succeed is 2.1 meters. Breaking grapple causes stumble. Clots cannot end grapple by taking damage from other ZEDs, only players can break it. Grapped players are forced to look at the Clots, although there is an option to turn force look off.

Grapple Odds (instead of normal attack): Cyst - 80%, Alpha Clot - 33%, Slasher - 38%.

Mimimum interval between grab attacks - 5 seconds.

Clots cannot grab the player for 1 second after grenade throw. Clots cannot grab the player for 0.5 seconds after shooting the healing dart.

ZEDs - Collision cylinder

Around each ZED there is an invisible cylinder that defies its size in the world. On PC version of the game in solo games players may use SHOW COLLISION command to observe these. ZED will not be able to pass though a narrow path if its cylinder will not fit. Collision cylinder is used for calculations of ballistic-explosive projectile hit detection (such as of RPG-7 rocket, or M32 grenade): if projectile will miss an actual hitzone (SHOW HITZONES) it will attempt to collide with collision cylinder to track nearest hitzone and apply direct impact damage anyway.

Collision cylinders (double both values for actual size)
An invisible cylinder around each ZED that defies its size in the world.
On PC in solo game players may use SHOW COLLISION command.
Object Radius, uu Height, uu
Bloat, SC, FP, bosses 55 86
Clots, Stalker, Husk, Siren, E.D.A.R 36 86
Crawler, Abomination Spawn 47 40
Door trigger (default) 200 50
Dropped items 75 40
Eviscerator / Bow projectiles 250 250
Gorefast (-fiend) 48 86
Interactive skills (ex. Supplier) 200 100
Item / Ammo pickups 100 50
Player 40 86
Puke Mines 10 10
Trader pods have a different effective (usable) radius.

ZEDs - Damage to take

ZEDs are resistant and / or vulnerable to certain damage types. Weapon damage upgrade (Base Damage) calculated in the first place, outcome is an integer value, e.g. 25 x 1.1 = 27.5 = 27. Damage reduction on penetration calculated next. Following damage modification sequence used when ZEDs takes damage:

  1. Calculate damage of weapon upgrades. Damage = Rounddown (Damage x Upgrade Mod). Apply penetration reduction if needed (see "Weapons - Penetration power"). For explosives imply damage falloff (see "Weapons - Explosion falloff") and ZED's exposure percentage (see "Weapons - Explosive tracing").
  2. Modify damage in perk-specific formula (apply passive damage bonus and skill effects). Passive and skill bonuses are additive, damage multiplied by the sum of all active skill bonuses. Damage = Round(UP) (Damage x (Perk Bonus 1 + Perk Bonus 2 + Perk Bonus 3 + ETC...)). Outcome is an INT value, either ROUNDED or ROUNDED UP - ROUNDED for Berserker, Support, Field Medic, Demolitionist, Firebug, SWAT and Survivalist and ROUNDED UP for Commando, Gunslinger and Sharpshooter.
  3. Apply PowerUp bonus. Outcome is an INT: Damage = Round (Damage x PowerUp Mod).
  4. Check if player has Field Medic's Focus Injection buff. Outcome is an INT: Damage = Roundup (Damage x Focus Injection Mod).
  5. Calculate damage in weapon-specific formula - relevant for melee weapons that adjust damage values based on the swing direction. Berserker's Smash or Massacre bonuses for hard and light melee attacks are calculated in this step as well. Pure horizontal melee strikes do never more than 75% and never less than 50% of the base weapon damage depending on the view angle - the closer target to player's view center the more damage it will take. For horizontal melee strikes: Damage = Rounddown (Base Damage x (0.75 to 0.5 scale)), then for all melee strikes: Damage = Round (Damage x Smash OR Massacre Mod). Note that headshot bonus from Smash skill (+25% damage) is calculated in step 2, in this step it only applies +50% damage (x1.5) for heavy attacks. Outcome is an INT.
  6. Apply damage modifier of affliction (if there is). Damage = Rounddown (Damage x Affliction Damage Modifier). Outcome is an INT.
  7. Calculate damage to hitzone: Damage = Rounddown (Damage x Hitzone Scale). Outcome is an INT. Calculation of the damage to ZED's armor usually does not involve hitzone modifier, however if incoming damage to the armored zone will be greater than this zone's armor hp then all the armor will be destroyed reducing incoming damage by its amount and the remaining damage will be done to the ZED's actual health. In such case damage to the armor will not be multiplied by hitzone modifier but the remaining damage to hitzone will be. The important note is that after destroying the armor and getting multiplied by the scale of the hitzone this armor used to protect, the damage will be delivered to the ZED's body health but NOT to this hitzone itself. For example, it is impossible to one-shot-kill E.D.A.R by shooting their chest core with the weapon that does more damage than both armor and core have, unless this damage is huge enough to kill E.D.A.R via depleting its body health: off-perk Rail Gun in lock-on mode (280 damage) vs E.D.A.R's chest (67 armor hp, 150 core hp with x3.5 damage scale, 1007 body hp) - the chest armor takes damage first reducing Rail Gun's damage to 280 - 67 = 213 points and gets destroyed in a process, the remaining damage then getting multiplied by x3.5 = 745 but instead of going to E.D.A.R's core hp it rather goes to body. The E.D.A.R survives since it has enough body health (1007 - 745 = 262), and its chest core hp remains completely untouched. In theory even one point of the armor hp can protect the body part it belongs to from getting killed in one shot, unless the damage is sufficient enough to one-shot-kill ZED via body hp. The Rioter's head armor also has specific damage threshold.
  8. Take weakness or resistance on account. Outcome is an INT: Damage = Rounddown (Damage x Damage Type Mod). Note that armored ZEDs such as Abomination have separate damage type modifiers for their armor.
  9. Apply ZED's block damage modifier. Outcome is an INT: Damage = Rounddown (Damage x Melee OR Damage Mod). Note: ZEDs have separate multipliers when blocking melee and non melee damage sources.
  10. If this shot / attack supposed to decapitate a ZED:
    1. Calculate new value Extra Head Damage = Damage + ZED's Max Health x 0.25. Note: Extra Head Damage for Shotguns calculated presuming that 7 pellets hit (regardless from amount of the actual pellet hits).
    2. Apply steps 1-8 on the Extra Head Damage value.
    3. Combine adjusted Extra Head Damage and Damage values in order to recieve a final damage value that will applied on ZED upon decapitation.

Final damage ROUNDED UP.

Damage Type Resistance: ZEDs are slightly less resistant to damage types that have Damage Scale < 1 in solo games (either offline play or when there is only one active player / last man alive online (for newly spawned ZEDs)). Actual resistance value of the given damage type interpolated as Lerp (1, Damage Mod, 0.75). For example Fleshpound's resistance to Ballistic_AssaultRifle is x0.5. When there is only one player at server, it become Lerp (1, 0.5, 0.75), i.e. (1 - (1 - 0.5) x 0.75) = 0.625. Damage type multipliers of x0 are not an exceptions for this rule - if ZED does not take any damage at all, is solo it takes Lerp (1, 0, 0.75) = 25% of it. Such as Abomination Spawn does not take any toxic damage at all in co-op games but does take 25% of it in solo games. This is true for both, health and armor modifiers.

Minimum damage: in most cases the minimum damage ZED takes on attack is 1. Even if ZED is not supposed to take any damage (such as being protected by armor or a shield), with every attack it still loses 1 health point. This also affects projectiles that do not do any damage on their own, such as healing darts.

Trivial note: when all the damage calculations are done and ZED dies, its last particular hit zone to take damage (head, arm, leg etc...) takes 3 times more damage to gore health than FINAL DAMAGE value. This has no impact on gameplay, because ZED is dead already. Gore health is a variable that defies amount of health for a cetain hit zone, it mostly used for after-dead dismemberment. The only gore health variable that matters is head health, but as said by this moment ZED is dead anyway.

ZEDs - Damage multipliers

ZEDs have base damage values that are being adjusted by different modifiers.

ZED attacks are complicated mechanism. During each attack animation ZED might perform one, two or multiple hits. Some attacks have AOE.

Depending on attack animation ZED's base damage value will be adjusted by one of the possible damage multipliers. Every single attack has its own damage multiplier. If attack animation involves multiple amount of the hits, each of them might also have its own damage multiplier (opposite to that, all the hits within attack animation might have same damage multiplier). At least 1 point of the damage will be done to the player with every single hit.

For ZEDs there are different damage multipliers vs. players when playing solo or co-op.

Co-op damage multipliers:

Damage modifiers for specific ZEDs (multiple players)
ZED / Difficulty Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Abomination x0.7 x0.85 x1.15 x1.2
Bloat x0.4 x0.75 x1.25 x1.5
Clots x0.5 x1 x1.25 x1.75
Crawler x0.5 x0.75 x1.25 x1.75
DAR Blaster x0.35 x1 x1.25 x1.5
DAR Bomber x0.35 x1 x1.25 x1.5
DAR Trapper x0.35 x1 x1.25 x1.5
Fleshpound x0.31 x0.65 x1.125 x1.25
Gorefast x0.4 x0.75 x1.25 x1.75
Gorefiend x0.4 x0.75 x1.25 x1.75
Hans Volter x0.54 x0.73 x1.15 x1.25
Husk x0.35 x1 x1.25 x1.5
King Fleshpound x0.51 x0.75 x1 x1.2
Matriarch x0.6 x0.75 x1.15 x1.45
Patriarch x0.67 x0.81 x1.47 x1.45
Quarter Pound x0.31 x0.65 x1 x1.05
Scrake x0.425 x0.7 x1.25 x1.25
Siren x0.25 x1 x1 x1
Stalker x0.5 x0.75 x1.25 x1.75

Solo damage multipliers (either offline or online with only 1 player at the beginning of the wave). Note that these multipliers will only work when there is only one player at the beginning of each wave and will not work for the last man alive of the group of players, nor ZED's damage output can be changed by using SpawnHumanPawn console command as it will still count as a solo play:

Damage modifiers for specific ZEDs (solo, either offline or online with only 1 player)
ZED / Difficulty Normal Hard Suicidal HOE
Abomination x0.245 x0.3825 x0.4715 x0.624
Bloat x0.12 x0.5625 x0.9375 x1.125
Clots x0.5 x1 x1.25 x1.75
Crawler x0.5 x0.75 x1.25 x1.75
DAR Blaster x0.1225 x0.75 x0.9375 x1.125
DAR Bomber x0.1225 x0.75 x0.9375 x1.125
DAR Trapper x0.1225 x0.75 x0.9375 x1.125
Fleshpound x0.0961 x0.325 x0.5625 x0.8125
Gorefast x0.16 x0.6 x0.8125 x1.1375
Gorefiend x0.16 x0.6 x0.8125 x1.1375
Hans Volter x0.216 x0.365 x0.46 x0.7625
Husk x0.1225 x0.75 x0.9375 x1.125
King Fleshpound x0.255 x0.375 x0.5 x0.78
Matriarch x0.222 x0.3375 x0.46 x0.725
Patriarch x0.2345 x0.3402 x0.6027 x0.754
Quarter Pound x0.0961 x0.325 x0.5 x0.6825
Scrake x0.180625 x0.35 x0.625 x0.8125
Siren x0.075 x0.65 x0.65 x0.75
Stalker x0.25 x0.75 x1.25 x1.75

ZED has separate damage multipliers against players and doors. Generally ZEDs do more damage to doors due to higher damage multipliers.

ZEDs - Evade / blocking

ZEDs are able to evade AND / OR to block certain damage sources.

ZED-specific evade/block cases:

Slasher. Chance to evade after taking damage: Normal - 0.1, Hard - 0.4, Suicidal - 1, HOE - 1. Health loss percentage to trigger evade: all difficulties - 0.01.

Bloat. Chance to block after taking damage: Normal - 0, Hard - 0.1, Suicidal - 0.65, HOE - 0.85. Health loss percentage to trigger block: all difficulties - 0.1. Block chains (max): Hard - 4, Suicidal - 5, HOE - 8. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 3.5s.
When blocking. Damage resistance: Melee attacks - x0.9, Gun attacks - x0.9. Affliction multiplier - x0.2 (ZED takes only 20% of all incoming powers). Solo game block chance multiplier: Hard, Suicidal - x0.1, HOE - x0.2.

Crawler. Chance to evade after taking damage: Normal - 0.1, Hard - 0.4, Suicidal - 1, HOE - 1. Health loss percentage to trigger evade: all difficulties - 0.01.

Gorefast. Chance to block after taking damage: Normal - 0.2, Hard - 0.5, Suicidal - 0.75, HOE - 0.85. Health loss percentage to trigger block: all difficulties - 0.1. Block chains (max): Normal, Hard, Suicidal - 4, HOE - 5. Block duration - 1s, cooldown - 1s.
When blocking. Damage resistance: Melee attacks - x0.8, Gun attacks - x0.8. Affliction multiplier - x0.2 (ZED takes only 20% of all incoming powers). Solo game block chance multiplier: Normal - x0.2, Hard - x0.3, Suicidal, HOE - x0.3.

Stalker. Chance to evade after taking damage: Normal - 0.1, Hard - 0.4, Suicidal - 1, HOE - 1. Health loss percentage to trigger evade: all difficulties - 0.01.

E.D.A.R Variants. Chance to evade after taking damage: Normal - 0.1, Hard - 0.4, Suicidal - 1, HOE - 1. Health loss percentage to trigger evade: all difficulties - 0.01.

Scrake. Scrake has a chance to block upon taking damage or when being aimed at. Scrake has a chance to evade certain damage sources. Scrake cannot block when enraged.
Chance to block after taking damage: Normal - 0.05, Hard - 0.1, Suicidal - 0.4, HOE - 0.5. Health loss percentage to trigger block: all difficulties - 0.05. Block chains (max): Normal - 3, Hard - 4, Suicidal - 5, HOE - 6. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 5s.
When blocking. Damage resistance: Melee attacks - x0.9, Gun attacks - x0.9. Affliction multiplier - x0.2 (ZED takes only 20% of all incoming powers). Solo game block chance multiplier: Normal, Hard - x0.1, Suicidal - x0.2, HOE - x0.3.

Fleshpound. Fleshpound has a chance to block upon taking damage or when being aimed at. Fleshpound has a chance to evade certain damage sources. Fleshpound cannot block when enraged.
Chance to block after taking damage: Normal - 0, Hard - 0.01, Suicidal - 0.2, HOE - 0.3. Health loss percentage to trigger block: all difficulties - 0.05. Block chains (max): Hard - 3, Suicidal - 4, HOE - 5. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 6.5s.
When blocking. Damage resistance: Melee attacks - x0.9, Gun attacks - x0.9. Affliction multiplier - x0.2 (ZED takes only 20% of all incoming powers). Solo game block chance multiplier: Hard - x0.1, Suicidal, HOE - x0.2.

Hans Volter. Chance to block after taking damage: Suicidal, HOE - 0.3. Health loss percentage to trigger block - 0.1. Block chains (max): Suicidal - 5, HOE - 6. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 7s (Suicidal), 6.5s (HOE). Affliction multiplier - x0.2. Damage multiplier (melee, firearms) - x0.7.
Chance to evade after taking damage: Normal - 0.05, Hard - 0.1, Suicidal - 0.2, HOE - 0.2. Health loss percentage to trigger evade: all difficulties - 0.01.

Patriarch. Chance to block after taking damage: Suicidal, HOE - 0.85. Health loss percentage to trigger block - 0.1. Block chains (max): Suicidal - 5, HOE - 6. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 3.5s. Affliction multiplier - x0.2. Damage multiplier (melee, firearms) - x0.9.

King Fleshpound. Chance to block after taking damage: Normal - 0, Hard - 0.01, Suicidal - 0.2, HOE - 0.3. Health loss percentage to trigger block: all difficulties - 0.05. Block chains (max): Hard - 3, Suicidal - 4, HOE - 5. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 6.5s.
When blocking. Damage resistance: Melee attacks - x0.9, Gun attacks - x0.9. Affliction multiplier - x0.2 (ZED takes only 20% of all incoming powers). Solo game block chance multiplier: Hard - x0.1, Suicidal, HOE - x0.2.

Abomination. Chance to block after taking damage: Normal - 0, Hard - 0.1, Suicidal - 0.85, HOE - 0.85. Health loss percentage to trigger block: all difficulties - 0.1. Block chains (max): Hard - 4, Suicidal - 5, HOE - 8. Block duration - 1.25s, cooldown - 3.5s.
Abomination has a chance to block upon taking damage or when being aimed at. Abomination has a chance to block or evade certain damage sources. When blocking. Damage resistance: Melee attacks - x0.9, Gun attacks - x0.9. Affliction multiplier - x0.2 (ZED takes only 20% of all incoming powers). Solo game block chance multiplier: Hard - x0.1, Suicidal and HOE - x1.

Block has its maximum duration and cooldown, solo game might have an additional block chance multiplier. When blocking ZED takes less damage (melee attacks have separate damage multipliers). Technically damage mitigation effect begin after 0.2 seconds since the block move started.

There is a maximum amount of the blocks ZED can execute in a single block chain. If ZED currently blocking and takes damage that is enough to trigger a new block instance there happening block chain increment (initial block gives 1 on the block chain counter, 2nd block attempt (when initial block still active) gives 2, 3rd block attempt (when initial block still active) gives 3 and so on). Each block chain increment resets block duration. Upon exceeding the maximum amount of the block chains (Block chains (max) > value) block ends and ZED plays Melee hit reaction. Each next block sequence (after block cooldown expired) begin with the block chain counter of 1. Generally it is quite hard for ZEDs to chain blocks due to various factors - next block attempt during the current block has a CHANCE to appear upon depleting CERTAIN AMOUNT OF THE HEALTH which ZED loses at decreased rate due to BLOCK DAMAGE RESISTANCE.

If ZED is allowed to sprint during the block animation, for the duration of block its sprint speed will be decreased by 25% (x0.75 multiplier).

Along the damage-based evade / block sequence, additional evaluations of these behaviors happens when ZED encountering following threats:

  1. When ZED is being aimed at with the Sharpshooter weapons, in such case it is necessary for player to ADS. Time for AI to recieve a warning (i.e. for how long player has to aim at ZED) - random (0.4-0.8)s. Maximum danger distance - 25 meters. AI warning evaluation interval - 0.1s.
  2. When certain projectile (pellet / bolt / blade) is being fired there happening AI warning notification. Maximum danger distance - 20 meters from the projectile spawn location. AI warning notification happens only when projectile meant to land at the point which is not further than 1.28 meters away from the ZED's location.
  3. When ZED is being hit. Evaluation interval - each time ZED takes accumulative damage equal to listed health loss percentage (already mentioned above).
  4. When ZED is being aimed at with the flashlight. Evaluation interval - 1s. Maximum danger distance, from the player position - 20 meters.
  5. When ZED is being attacked by melee weapon. Only relevant for ZEDs that can block. Maximum danger distance - weapon hit range + zed collision radius.
  6. When ZED is being attacked by fire weapon. Maximum danger distance, from the player position - 10 meters (15 meters for the Microwave Gun). AI warning evaluation interval - each 0.5s of the continuous weapon firing.
  7. When ZED is near the Ground Fire / Ice (but not Residual Flame). Minimum danger distance, from the Ground Fire location - 3 meters.
  8. When ZED is at line of Husk's fireball attack.

Small ZEDs (Clots, Crawlers, Gorefasts and Stalkers) will attempt to evade when warned of being run over by big ZEDs (Scrake, Fleshpound, Patriarch or Matriarch).

ZEDs - Health

ZEDs have separate values of the body health and head health.

Damaging body will not be damaging head BUT damaging head will also apply damage to the body (hitzone multiplier should be applied in that case). Damage from explosive weapons applied to the body health, head health will not be taking any damage from explosives (unless it is a direct hit from the projectile).

Amount of the health and head health for each next spawned ZED depends on amount of the LIVING players. Players joined the game but not yet spawned will not contribute towards ZED's HP.

When there is more than 6 players on the server, ZED HP begin to interpolate linearly. The maximum health cap multiplier (x20) can be achieved upon having 128+6 = 134 players at same time. Interpolation begin at the point A which is a ZED's Health Mod value of 6 players and ends at the point B = 20 which is health cap, amount of the interpolation is value of (Amount Of Living Players - 6 / 128). This interpolated value then being added to 1 to give the final health mod multiplier.

Example 1: Gorefiend on the 10-man server. Gorefiend has constant amount of the health at sub-6-man server - 400, i.e. it does not go up when there is 1-6 players because Health Scale value per player for this ZED is 0. So HP begin to interpolate from 0 to 20 and amount of the interpolation is (10-6) / 128 = 0.03125. Lerp (0, 20, 0.03125) = 0 + ((20-0) x 0.03125) = 0.625. Final health multiplier is 1+0.625 = 1.625. At the 10-man server Gorefiend will be having 400 x 1.625 =650 HP.

Example 2: Scrake on the 10-man HOE server. Per additional player Scrake gains 39% more health (Health Scale value of 0.39). Interpolation begin from 0.39x6 = 2.34 to 20 and amount of the interpolation is (10-6) / 128 = 0.03125. Lerp (2.34, 20, 0.03125) = 2.34 + ((20-2.34) x 0.03125) = 2.891875. Final health multiplier is 1+2.891875 = 3.891875. At the 10-man server Scrake will be having 1210 x 3.891875 = 4709 HP, where 1210 is amount of the health for 1-man HOE Scrake.

ZEDs - Heavy bump

Quarter Pound, Fleshpound and King Fleshpound bumps:

Enraged or sprinting Fleshpounds (all variants) can do bump damage to ZEDs just by touching them (although ZEDs on their path will likely attempt to evade the threat). Base amount of the damage is 270, multiplied by x2 if Fleshpounds are sprinting and also multiplied by Fleshpounds' difficulty settings. All ZEDs take full damage, Scrake - only 10% of it, Quarter Pound - 25%, Fleshpound - 0%. If by the moment of bump ZEDs will be having less body health than incoming bump damage, these ZEDs will be knocked down if they would manage to survive (Rioters, for example, as their armor will absorb the damage). Otherwise, if ZEDs will be having enough health to survive the bump, instead they will stumble. Damaged ZEDs will consider their bumpers as an enemies if damage given by the bump will be at least 15% of the ZEDs' maximum health.

Hans Volter, Patriarch and Matriarch bump:

In Hunt And Heal / fleeing / sprinting modes bosses can do bump damage to ZEDs just by touching them (although ZEDs on their path will likely attempt to evade the threat). Base amount of the damage is 270 multiplied by bosses' difficulty settings. All ZEDs take full damage, Scrake - only 10% of it, Quarter Pound - 25%, Fleshpound - 0%. If by the moment of bump ZEDs will be having less body health than incoming bump damage, there will be 40% chance for these ZEDs to die (get obliterated) and 60% chance to get knocked down without taking any damage. Otherwise, if ZEDs will be having enough health to survive the bump, instead they will stumble. Damaged ZEDs will consider their bumpers as an enemies if damage given by the bump will be at least 15% of the ZEDs' maximum health.

Notes: ZEDs do not evade when being runover by Hans Volter. Patriarch does 10 points of damage when bumping into players while fleeing.

ZEDs - Hitzones

ZEDs have vulnerable AND / OR resistant hitzones.

Damage applied on these hitzones will be adjusted by listed damage multiplier. Hitzones are "additional" damage multipliers. If ZED resistant or weak to certain damage type and getting hit into certain hitzone, the total amount of the taken damage will be multiplied twice - by ZEDs resistance / weakness scale and by hitzone damage multiplier. For example when hit by Ballistic_Rifle damage type into the gauntlets, Fleshpound will be taking 0.75 x 0.2 = 0.15 (15% of the base weapon damage).

ZEDs - Movement speed

Two ZEDs of the same type may have different movement speed.

Each particular ZED has its own movement speed value. Movement speed can be deviated by up to -10%/+10% from the base speed value. Each ZED getting its movement speed value only once - upon spawning. This means that two spawned ZEDs of same class can has different movement speeds which will not change during the time these ZEDs alive. Movement speed also affected by difficulty mods.

Player-controlled ZEDs does NOT have their speed adjusted by randomization.

Base ZED's speed mods: Normal - x0.9, Hard - x0.95, Suicidal - x0.95, HOE - x0.95. Base speed mod further affected by the Game Conductor.

Per-ZED (additional) speed multipliers:

Slasher speed mods: Normal - x1, Hard - x1, Suicidal - 1.1, HOE - x1.2.

Crawler speed mods: Normal - x1, Hard - x1, Suicidal - 1.3, HOE - x1.4.

Stalker speed mods: Normal - x1, Hard - x1, Suicidal - 1.3, HOE - x1.4.

Abomination Spawn speed mods: Normal - x1, Hard - x1.1, Suicidal - 1.25, HOE - x1.25.

All other - x1 / x1 / x1 / x1.

Final speed mod calculated by formula:

   Speed Multiplier = Base Speed Multiplier x Per-ZED speed multiplier x (1 ± 10% Deviation)

Note: Whenever in the multiplayer (non solo) game there will be only one player alive, for every minute spent bosses (Hans Volter and Patriarch only) will be getting +20% of their movement speed, up to +30% at maximum.

When hidden (not considered as relevant or not observed by players), ZEDs can move at Hidden Speed (aka Super Speed) which depends on amount of the living players. However in most cases ZEDs prefer to teleport shortly after entering "Hidden" mode. Last 3 ZEDs during the wave time are always relevant.

Upon spawning each ZED getting its own Sprint and Sprint When Damaged chances - the values that used to determine whether ZED should or should not sprint under the proper conditions.

ZEDs - Rally boost

Player-controlled Alpha Clots and Elite Alphas can rally boost nearby ZEDs.

Rally-boosted ZED inflict more damage and (for certain ZEDs on certain difficulties) become able to sprint regardless from its pre-set settings. Rally boost has duration of 10 seconds.

Alpha Clot:

Chance to spawn as Elite Alpha: Normal - 0, Hard - 0, Suicidal - 0.25, HOE - 0.35.
Alpha Clot has a chance to spawn as Elite Alpha. Elite Alpha able to rally boost nearby ZEDs. Rally evaluation happens when Clot sees the player. Interval to check for rally probability: When Clot sees the player a 2s + random (0-3s) timer starts, then for the duration of Clot-to-player LOS visibility evaluation happens within 1.5s intervals.

Rally Chance:

Rally chance: Suicidal - 0.7, HOE - 0.8. Rally cooldown: Suicidal - 15s, HOE - 15s. Self damage dealt multiplier: Suicidal - x2.5, HOE - x2.5. To activate a rally there should be at least 4 nearby ZEDs (including Elite Alpha itself) within 10m radius.

ZEDs - Spawn intensity

ZED spawn intensity changes depending on the various factors.

ZED spawn intensity depend from the Spawn Rate modifier which itself depend from the Spawn Mod, Spawn Time modifier, Solo Spawn Rate modifier and Early Wave Rate / Late Wave modifiers (by default all values set to 1). These modifiers change their values depending on the game difficulty, wave number, amount of the living players and whether this wave is an "early" wave or not ("early" waves: Long = waves 1-4, Normal = waves 1-3, Short = 1st wave). The bigger Spawn Rate modifier is - the slower spawning happening and vice versa, the lesser Spawn Rate modifier is - the faster ZEDs spawning. By any means there is at least 1 second between spawns of two separate ZED groups.

Firstly game calculates the Spawn Mod:

  1. Spawn rate at "early" waves will be increased. Spawn Mod for "early" waves calculated as Spawn Mod = Spawn Time modifier x Solo Spawn Rate modifier x Early Wave Rate modifier.
    1. If current game is a solo game, ZED spawning will be slowed down. Otherwise Solo Spawn Rate modifier remains the same (1). Solo Spawn Rate modifiers: Short game, all difficulties - (wave 1 - 1.55, wave 2 - 1.65, wave 3 - 1.75, wave 4 - 1.80, wave 4 of normal game - 1.85), Normal game, all difficulties - (wave 1 - 1.55, wave 2 - 1.60, wave 3 - 1.65, wave 4 - 1.70, wave 5 - 1.75, wave 6 - 1.80, wave 7 - 1.80), Long game, all difficulties - (wave 1 - 1.55, wave 2 - 1.59, wave 3 - 1.64, wave 4 - 1.68, wave 5 - 1.72, wave 6 - 1.75, wave 7 - 1.78, wave 8 - 1.81, wave 9 - 1.84, wave 10 - 1.85).
    2. If current wave is an "early" wave, Spawn Time modifier changes to 1 for 1 player, to 1.3 for 2 players, to 0.9 for 3 players, to 0.7 for 4 players, to 0.4 for 5 players or to 0.3 for 6 players or more. Otherwise Spawn Time modifier remains the same (1).
    3. If current wave is an "early" wave, Early Wave Rate modifier changes to 0.8 (Normal) OR to 0.6 (Hard) OR to 0.5 (Suicidal and HOE). Otherwise (if this is wave is a "late" wave) Early Wave Rate modifier remains the same (1).
  2. Spawn rate at "late" waves will be toned down. Spawn Mod for "late" waves calculated as Spawn Mod = Spawn Time modifier x Solo Spawn Rate modifier.
    1. At "late" waves Spawn Time modifier changes to 1.1 for 1 player, to 1.45 for 2 players, to 0.9 for 3 players, to 0.8 for 4 players, to 0.7 for 5 players or to 0.6 for 6 players or more.
    2. Solo Spawn Rate modifier taken from step 1.1.

After getting the Spawn Mod (from either step 1 or step 2), game multiplies it by Difficulty Spawn Rate modifier. For now on all difficulties Difficulty Spawn Rate modifier has a value of 1, i.e. has No impact on the spawning.

As a final step game calculates Spawn Rate modifier as Spawn Rate modifier = Spawn Mod x Spawn Rate Intensity of the Game Conductor.

Furthermore, overall spawn intensity depends on the map. Each map has its own specific value that used for calculation of the next spawn time. Lower value means faster spawning.

Map-specific spawn periods (base spawn timers)
Each map has its own specific value (Wave Spawn Period) which sets the base interval between ZEDs spawns. The lower value meaning faster spawning.
The values below are NOT exact times between spawns, they are a subject of change via "ZEDs - Spawn intensity" mechanic.
Airship 2.5 Lockdown 3
Ashwood Asylum 1.8 Monster Ball 4.75
Barmwich Town 1.9 Moonbase 0.02
Biolapse 2 Netherhold 0.16
Biotics Lab 3 Nightmare 3.75
Black Forest 5 Nuked 4.5
Burning Paris 4 Outpost 4.5
Carillon Hamlet 2 Power Core 3.7
Castle Volter 0.8 Prison 5
Catacombs 4.5 Rig 1.02
Containment Station 2 Sanitarium 2.6
Crash 3 Santas Workshop 4
Desolation 1.1 Shopping Spree 1.9
DieSector 5 Spillway 2.5
Dystopia 2029 1.4 Steam Fortress 3
Elysium 1.8 Subduction 2
Evacuation point 3.75 The Descent 3
Farmhouse 2 The Tragic Kingdom 2.2
Hellmark Station 1.18 Volter Manor 4
Hostile Grounds 3 ZED Landing 3.5
Infernal Realm 4
Krampus Lair 4

ZEDs - Stuck possibility

AI might stuck due to obstacles or lack of waypoints. AI tends to evaluate and handle the stuck.

ZEDs use complicated mechanism to evaluate their stuck possibility when moving to players. Within constant intervals ZEDs check if it is needed to add certain amount of the StuckPossiblity to their stuck meter. Some actions however mark ZEDs as completely unstuck. Upon reaching the StuckPossiblity meter of 5 or higher ZEDs will handle the stuck. ZEDs use different methods to get unstuck.

Events to reset / increase ZED's StuckPossiblity meter:

  • ZEDs do not evaluate stuck possibility for next 5 seconds after taking damage.
  • For the next 5 seconds after playing the melee attack animation ZEDs considered as completely unstuck. StuckPossiblity become 0.
  • For the next 5 seconds after teleporting ZEDs considered as completely unstuck. StuckPossiblity become 0.
  • For the next 5 seconds after performing any special move (attack, stumble, knockdown, scream etc.) ZEDs considered as completely unstuck. StuckPossiblity become 0.
  • If ZEDs are not further than 10 meters away from the players AND there are at least 5 AIs remaining throughout the wave, these ZEDs are considered as completely unstuck. StuckPossibility become 0.
  • If ZEDs have path to the player (at least one waypoint is cached), they considered as completely unstuck. StuckPossibility become 0.
  • If ZEDs are waiting outside of the closed door while other ZEDs trying to break though, they considered as completely unstuck. StuckPossibility become 0.
  • If ZEDs are not moving in the X|Y axis, StuckPossibility is being increased by +0.5.
  • If ZEDs are moving up / down (jumping in one place) StuckPossibility is being increased by +1 (by +2 if ZEDs are falling without Z-axis velocity).

In order to prevent stuck, ZEDs have their collision cylinder size reduced while at the special areas of the map ("chokepoints") and when they have total StuckPossibility of 2.5 or higher.

ZEDs handle stuck differently. Small ZEDs prefer to suicide and respawn at the spawn volumes. Scrake, Fleshpound and bosses cannot suicide when being stuck but rather teleport to the nearest waypoint OR (if there is no waypoints nearby) to the spawn volumes.

ZEDs - Teleportation

Some ZEDs can teleport when not observed by players.

When hidden (not observed by spectators, not visible and not audible to players) ZEDs can initiate a teleportation to the nearest "best" spawn volume from the players. Observing ZEDs through walls and objects prevents them from becoming hidden for a short period of time hence prevents their teleportation. ZEDs updating their "last relevant time" variable within 5s intervals which is enough to trigger their teleportation. To make sure that certain ZED will not teleport closer, players should have it constantly appearing and disappearing within their LOS (line of sight) since this method forces ZED to update its "last relevant time" variable in intervals shorter than 5s - it is being constantly updated as long as players maintain LOS to this ZED.

ZED teleportation being completely disabled when only 12 AIs remain during the wave time (except for Stalker - this ZED can teleport regardless from amount of the remaining AIs).

Bloat, Husk, E.D.A.R, Siren, Scrake, Fleshpound and bosses cannot teleport at all. Except the cases where they try to unstuck.

ZEDs - ZED Spawning

For ZED squads to spawn and how squads work see ZED Spawning.

For total amount of the ZEDs to spawn during the wave see Amount Of ZEDs To Spawn.

For maxium amount of the ZEDs at time see Maximum Zeds At Time.