Update 1010 (Killing Floor 2)
- Reverted changes to starting and max ammo for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Support weapons.
- Tweak to laser sight on Eviscerator
- Made Scrake more vulnerable to direct hits from RPG rockets, especially when aiming for the head
- Increased the pellet penetration and ability for Dragon's Breath Shotgun rounds to panic ZEDs
Bug Fixes
- Fixed comm rose being stuck on screen after Hans intro
- Fixed Berserker damage resistance description
- Fixed Berserker melee attack speed being incorrectly calculated
- Fixed Berserker Smash, Block and Furious Defender skills not working as intended
- Fixed stuck ZEDs not respawning
- Fixed Zweihander having an ammo cost in the trader
- Fixed broken animations when reloading some weapons
- Fixed microwave gun effect looping on corpses
- Fixed low friction FleX gore
- Fixed no sound effect when turning NVG's on and off.
- Fixed a bug where Berserker passive bonus to attack speed applied to melee bashes with non-berserker weapons.
- Fixed an issue with the sight for the microwave guns when real time reflections were turned on.
- Fixed an issue where the lobby music would play during the first wave
- Fixed a bug where players could instant-kill Hans using some melee weapons
- Fixed an issue where the Hans intro would not work properly in some resolutions
- Replaced debug text when trying to join a full server
- FleX crash fixes and performance optimizations
- Emitter/explosion optimizations
- Log spam cleanup