Update 1067 (Killing Floor 2): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:27, 24 July 2018



All weapons that were previously Tier 4 have been reverted back to Tier 4 with some additional tuning done on a few weapons.

Adjustments to E.D.A.R.s to improve their experience

Improvements to the lag and hitches experienced during gameplay



9MM Pistol and Dual 9MM Pistols

Upgrade to Tier 1 damage modifier reduced from 1.3x to 1.2x

Upgrade to Tier 2 damage modifier reduced from 1.6x to 1.4x

Upgrade to Tier 3 damage modifier reduced from 1.9x to 1.6x

Upgrade to Tier 4 damage modifier reduced from 2.2x to 1.8x

Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier reduced from 2.5x to 2.0x

Designer Note - The 9MM Pistol and Dual 9MM Pistols were powerful due to their upgrade damage modifiers. We adjusted them down as the weapon is not meant to be a main weapon to kill all Zeds, but rather, a backup weapon. The adjustments should allow it to still be applicable to most Zeds without it being a weapon that can dispatch large Zeds easily.


Microwave Gun

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Base Weight is now 9

Stream damage is now 16

Alt-Fire blast damage is still 210


Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Base charge damage is now 80. Full Charge damage is now 360

Max ammo reduced from 280 to 260

Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier reduced from 1.115x to 1.1x



Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Saw blade projectile damage is now 300

Base Weight is now 9

Amount of gas ammo from ammo boxes is still 50


Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Bash damage is now 165

Heavy swing damage is now 175

Base Weight is now 8

Purchase cost is now 1600

Static Strikers

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Heavy attack emp power reduced from 49 to 45

Heavy attack knockdown power reduced from 150 to 90

Purchase cost is now 1600

Designer Notes - The Eviscerator was a weapon that was highly effective against small and large Zeds. The adjustments made should help reduce that effectiveness against the larger Zeds while keeping the same consistent gameplay behavior for the smaller Zeds. We also made adjustments to the incapability of the Static Strikers. It should still be able to incap most Zeds while allowing larger Zeds to be more threatening. Before, it’s high incapability shut down Scrakes and Fleshpounds with too much ease.



Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Base Weight reduced from 10 to 9

Manual fire Damage reduced from 750 to 560

Homing fire damage reduced from 375 to 280

Total ammo increased from 21 to 33

Ammo cost reduced from 25 per mag to 20 per mag

Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier raised from 1.1x to 1.25x


Set as a Tier 5 weapon

Removed ability to upgrade

Total ammo reduced from 31 to 21

Ammo cost raised from 25 per mag to 50 per mag

Purchase cost is now 2500

Designer Note - The Railgun and M99 are extremely powerful weapons, and both mechanically serve the same purpose. We adjusted them both so that the Railgun is a more weaker, safer alternative to use versus the high-risk, high-reward gunplay of the M99. We will do further adjustments depending on the community feedback from the Beta 2 patch.



Reverted stats back to Tier 4


Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Ammo cost raised from 25 per mag to 40 per mag

Max ammo reduced from 76 to 44

Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier reduced from 1.17x to 1.1x

Purchase cost is now 1500

Designer Note - The Doomstick was a powerhouse of damage with a high enough ammo pool to warrant it as an exceedingly effective gun. It should still be a high-damage weapon, but we adjusted the ammo and ammo price per magazine so that it is not a sustainable weapon to use for any situation. It’s main purpose is to kill larger Zeds.


Perk Skill “FallBack”

9MM and Knife damage reduced from 110% to 50%

SCAR-H Assault Rifle

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Stoner 63A LMG

Reverted stats back to Tier 4


Perk Skill “Close Combat Training”

9MM and Knife damage reduced from 110% to 50%

Kriss SMG

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Field Medic

HMTech-401 Assault Rifle

Reverted stats back to Tier 4


Bullet damage reverted from 70 to 50. This will also reduce bleed DOT damage and the toxic DOT damage from the Perk skill, Acidic Rounds

Upgrade to Tier 4 damage modifier reduced from 1.6x to 1.4x

Designer Note - We are lowering the damage of the Hemogoblin because it’s main functionality is not damage. Rather, the weapon is meant to be used to debilitate Zeds. We are currently looking into improving that experience. As for now, we adjusted the damage down, and it should reduce the likelihood of enraging Scrakes and Fleshpounds accidentally in the meantime.



Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Dual AF2011-A1

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

.500 Magnum Revolver

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Dual .500 Magnum Revolver

Reverted stats back to Tier 4



Reverted stats back to Tier 4

Seeker Six

Reverted stats back to Tier 4

C4 Removed ability to upgrade


All E.D.A.Rs

Base chest armor health reduced from 500 to 225

Base head armor health increased from 550 to 600

Base body health increased from 562 to 775

Base sprint speed increased from 550 to 600

Base sprint distance increased from 1500 to 5000

Base critical hit zone damage on core increased from 1.4x to 3.5x

Critical hit zone core located in the center area once chest armor is destroyed.

Base fire damage vulnerability increased from 0.75x to 1.5x

Base microwave damage vulnerability increased from 2.0x to 3.25x

E.D.A.R. Trapper

Max attack range of EMP Beam decreased from 4000UU to 550UU

Designer Note - E.D.A.R.s were difficult to kill because of their high armor health values. We lowered the chest armor health and increased the damage modifier of their core to promote destroying the chest armor and shooting the core. The further adjustments should make them easier to dispatch while keeping their gameplay challenge the same. And lastly, we reduced the range of the E.D.A.R.s Trapper’s EMP Beam to help alleviate their frustration while we currently work on a fix for the bug where their beam goes through environment objects.

Upgrade System

Upgrade sell values for singles and dualies lowered from 75% to values between ~15% and ~40% of original upgrade prices. This does not affect the dual 9MM pistols.

Designer Note - This is a temporary solution to make it harder to exploit from a trick with upgraded singles and dualies that allowed users to earn more dosh than intended. We are working to implement a better fix for the release of the patch.



Global spawn rate increased slightly

Weekly Outbreak

Cranium Cracker

E.D.A.R.s temporarily removed. This will cause Stalkers and Husks to also be temporarily removed because E.D.A.R.s share the same spawn pool as Stalkers and Husks.

Beta 2 Bug Fixes


Fixed an issue where EDAR’s were inconsistent with other zeds in Headshots Only weekly objective.

Put measures in place to alleviate EDAR’s stun beam going through geometry.


Fixed an issue where the M99 weapon parts may stop animating.

Drastically reduced the ability to use dual pistols to gain dosh. A more in-depth and permanent fix is to come.

Fixed an issue where the HMTech 201 SMG did not play a 3rd person half reload animation.

Fixed an issue where the Weapon Upgrade system could allow a player to go over the weight limit.

Fixed an issue where the Doomstick was spending two rounds on the Alt-Fire instead of its intended 4.


General hitching improvements (may not be completely solved in all places, this is still WIP).

Fixed an issue where a player may lose their first person hands after switching/loading weapons.

Fixed an issue where explosion decals may appear on Stand Your Ground area borders.

Fixed an issue where some Vault items had a different Vault icon on their picture.

Fixed an issue where the Dosh Vault crate opening audio could get caught in a loop.


Fixed an issue where some zeds were getting stuck on the vents in Lockdown.

Fixed an issue where Lockdown’s ambient noise was not respecting player settings. https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/kf2-news-and-announcements/news-and-announcements-af/2320521-summer-update-second-beta-changelog Fixed an issue where an unobtainable ammo box would spawn on Airship.

Fixed an issue where the Abomination could not fit through certain doors on Lockdown.

Fixed a handful of staircase and railing collision issues on Airship.


Fixed an issue where the Friendly HUD Scaling was not respecting the player’s setting.

Fixed an issue where the Seasonal Objectives were visible and able to be completed while playing on Tragic Kingdom.

Beta 2 Platform Specific Fixes

Xbox One/PS4

Fixed an issue where the picture for the Centerfire | Headshot Weekly | Mint skin was missing.

Fixed an issue where a bright light would be displayed on the Xbox main menu if the client wasn’t relaunched after a full install.

Fixed an issue where player game and cosmetic choices would be reset.