Alpha Clot

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The Alpha Clot
The Alpha Clot

The Alpha Clot is a common specimen in Killing Floor 2. They appear as hairless, fairly athletic males, looking the most "normal" compared to the rest of the specimen horde. They walk in large groups alongside their brethren, the Cyst and the Slasher.

It is classified as a lesser enemy, their main purpose being to populate waves with dozens of them supporting the other ZEDs. Though each Alpha Clot is fairly weak individually, their true strength comes from the sheer numbers of how many there are.

Base Statistics

Normal Hard Suicidal Hell on earth
Kill Reward 7 7 7 7
XP 8 11 11 11
Health (body) 75 100 100 100
Health (head) 15 20 20 20

For kill reward calculations read Dosh Mechanics.


Grab attack (odds, instead of regular attack) 0.33
Melee (base damage, Alpha Clot) 6
Melee (base damage, Rioter) 8
Melee (damage multipliers vs. doors) 3/6
Melee (damage multipliers vs. players) 0.2/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7/1
Melee (range) 172

The base damage value further modified by the difficulty-specific multipliers.

XP Notes

  • Killing with weapons other than your current perk grants the XP to the perk that weapons belongs to.
  • Damaging with on-perk weapons and then finishing it off with an off-perk weapon divides the XP and grants it to both perks.
  • Assist kills grants full XP.


Alpha Clots move slowly when docile, and will sprint when enraged.
On higher difficulties, Clots have a chance to enrage upon seeing the players, and have a chance to enrage when shot.
Once enraged, Clots will never stop sprinting until they are killed.
Movement speed is randomized within ± 10% range and further modified by a multiplier based on difficulty.

Walking speed (per difficulty) (189 - 231) / (162 - 198) x (0.9 / 0.95 / 0.95 / 0.95) x (1 / 1 / 1 / 1)
Running speed (per difficulty) (450 - 550) / (405 - 495) x (0.9 / 0.95 / 0.95 / 0.95) x (1 / 1 / 1 / 1)
Hidden speed 600
Sprint chance Normal - 0 / Hard - 0 / Suicidal - 0.5 / HOE - 0.85
Sprint chance (when damaged) Normal - 0 / Hard - 0.7 / Suicidal - 1 / HOE - 1

For comparison, by default a healthy player character with the minimal weight walks at speed of 383 units/s, and sprints at speed of 460 units/s.

Sprint Conditions

Should sprint if can sprint OR (if can sprint when damaged AND damaged) (i.e. if sprint chance met its value). Should sprint when frustrated. Rioter cannot sprint while wearing the armor and will sprint upon loosing it.

Resistances and Weaknesses

Damage Resistance

Clots have little to no resistances to most forms of damage, except for Microwave, which they resist.

Piercing Slashing Bludgeon Toxic Fire Microwave Explosives Slashing - Knife Freeze Shells Bleeding EMP
Damage Multiplier x1 x0.85 x0.9 x1 x1 x0.25 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1

Ballistic Resistance

Clots have no resistances to ballistic weaponry and are extremely vulnerable to SMGs.

Sub-machine Gun Assault Rifle Shotgun Handgun Rifle
Damage Multiplier x1.5 x1 x1 x1 x1


Clots only have one weak spot, which is their head.

Damage Multiplier
Head x1.1
All other x1

Incapacitation Resistance

Affliction: Stun Knockdown Stumble Gun hit Melee hit Snare
Torso vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Head vulnerability: x2 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Legs vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Arms vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
Special zone vulnerability: x1 x1 x1.3 x2.5 x2 x10
- Incap cooldown 3s 1s 0.3s / 0.2s 0.2s 0s 5.5s
- Incap duration 3s --- --- --- --- 4s
- Dissipation rate -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100
Affliction: Poison Microwave Fire panic EMP Freeze Bleed
- Vulnerability x3 x0.5 x1.5 x2.5 x2.5 x2
- Incap cooldown 6s 10s 7s 5s 1.5s ---
- Incap duration 3s 2s 5s 5s 4s ---
- Dissipation rate -10/s -20/s -10/s -50/s -20/s -20/s
- Incap threshold 100 (EMP Disrupt - 25, Bleed - 65)
Knockdown (getup duration) 2s
Stun (time + wakeup duration) 3s + 1.33s, for PvP ZEDs - 1.5s + 1.33s
Freeze (time + thaw duration) 4s + 1.33s, for PvP ZEDs - 0.5s + 1.33s
Stumble (duration) Between (0.87-1.53)s
Parry (duration) Between (0.87-1)s


The Alpha Clot is a predictable, melee-only ZED.

Upon spawning, it will walk or sprint towards the nearest player and attempt to scratch them, or grab and bite them, immobilizing their target.

On Suicidal and Hell On Earth, Alpha Clots gain additional attacks that they will use when they are enraged, such as leaping or slamming into players. Other than that, their behavior does not change drastically between difficulties.

Rioter Variant

The Rioter
The Rioter

Rioters, also known as Elite Clots, Albino Clots, or King Clots, have a chance to spawn on Suicidal or Hell on Earth. They can easily be identified by their metallic armor on their chest and head, and their pale white skin color, along with the blue, glowing veins all over them.

Rioters boast higher health and damage compared to normal Alpha Clots, and they have the ability to Rally nearby ZEDs, increasing their damage and forcing certain ones, mostly lesser ZEDs, to sprint. They should be considered a priority target as they can, if left unchecked, rally a substantial amount of other ZEDs, drastically increasing potential damage done to players. They usually weave in and out among the ZED hordes before Rallying.

Spawn chance (replaces 1 Alpha Clot)
Normal Hard Suicidal Hell on earth
Head Health 0% 0% 25% 35%

Rally chance:

  • Suicidal - 70%
  • HOE - 80%

Rally cooldown:

  • Suicidal and HoE- 15 seconds.

Damage dealt multiplier (self):

  • Suicidal and HoE - x2.5.

In order to activate their Rally, there has to be at least 3 other ZEDs within a 10m radius. The evaluation of the Rally possibility happens within 0.5 second intervals.

Health and armor:

Normal Hard Suicidal Hell on earth
Head Health 93 125 125 125
Body Health 225 300 300 300
Head Armor 337 450 450 450
Body Armor 375 500 500 500

Rioters wear 2 pieces of armor - one on its head and one on its chest. Each armor piece has its own health that will absorb ALL the damage dealt to the respective body part. AoE attacks (e.g. fire, explosives) will have their damage split across all existing armor pieces in equal parts. The Rioter's back, arms, and legs remain exposed, dealing full damage to the body without affecting the armor.

Note: any direct damage equal or greater than 125 will obliterate and nullify the Rioter's head armor completely - the head armor will be instantly destroyed. Additionally, due to calculation specifics, (step 6 of "ZEDs - Damage to take" mechanic) all damage absorbed will instead be done to Rioter's body. For example, an off-perk .500 Magnum Revolver (160 damage) will destroy the Rioter's head armor completely (450 points) and will do 160 x 1.01 x 1.1 = 177, 177 + 300 x 0.25 = 252, 252 x 1.01 x 1.1 = 279, 279 + 177 = 456 points of damage to its body health killing it instantly. Its head health, though, will remain the same.

Health resistances:

Rioters are notably vulnerable to fire and EMP effects of Survivalist's HRG Arc Generator, unlike normal Alpha Clots, which are neutral to them.

Fire ArcGenerator_Beam ArcGeneratorSphereImpact ArcGenerator_DefaultFiremodeZapDamage ArcGenerator_AltFiremodeZapDamage
Damage Multipler x3 x3.5 x1.2 x3.5 x3.5

Armor resistances:

While the Rioter shares almost the same resistances and vulnerabilities as a regular Alpha Clot, its armor actually has different multipliers from it. The armor is notably vulnerable to Hemogoblin's DOT (but not to the initial impact which Rioter is neutral to) and fire.

Ballistic (SMG) Ballistic (Handgun) Ballistic (AR, Rifle, Shotgun),Explosive, Piercing, Toxic Slashing Bludgeon Fire Microwave Bleeding (Hemogoblin) Freeze, Shell, EMP
Damage Multipler x1.5 x1.01 x1 x0.85 x0.9 x3 x0.25 x5 x1


  • Does slightly more damage with its attacks than a regular Alpha Clot: 8 base damage compared to 6 base damage.
  • Rioters do not sprint while they wear armor, but will instantly enrage when either the head armor or the chest armor is destroyed. Due to code specifics, they are also capable of sprinting for one second after Rally boosting nearby ZEDs.
  • Rioters move slower than normal Alpha Clots, approximately 10% slower.

Miscellaneous Information


Frustration delay Random (2.5-5)s
Disabled, when total AI remains 12
Cooldown 7s
When hidden, can use after 5s
When spawned, can use after 10s


Penetration resistance 1
Parry resistance 0
AI pause, on gun / melee hit 0.75s

Various information:

  • (PvP) Rally boost: forces AI Alpha Clots to sprint, players do x1.5 more damage.
  • Distance to perform grab = 1.88m.
  • Maximum grab range = 2.1m.
  • Grab attack can be interrupted.
  • Damage to doors (possible values) = 18 / 36.
  • ZED mass = 50.
  • Should sprint if can sprint OR (if can sprint when damaged AND damaged) (i.e. if sprint chance met its value). Should sprint when frustrated.
  • Alpha Clot cannot grab the player for 1 second after grenade throw. Alpha Clot cannot grab the player for 0.5 seconds after shooting the healing dart.
  • This ZED can be knocked down when jumped on.
  • Alpha Clot has a chance to spawn as Elite Alpha. Elite Alpha able to rally boost nearby ZEDs. Rally evaluation happens when Clot sees the player. Interval to check for rally probability: When Clot sees the player a 2s + random (0-3s) timer starts, then for the duration of Clot-to-player LOS visibility evaluation happens within 1.5s intervals.
  • Alpha Clot has a chance to evade certain damage sources.

Extermination Tactics

As they are lesser ZEDs, they are equivalent to cannon fodder, made to waste time and bullets that should be directed towards more dangerous specimens.

In early waves, ammunition can be saved by switching to the Knife and aiming for their head; a good strike will usually decapitate them. Try to take them out quickly or put some distance between you and them, so you can focus on the real threats sooner.

Any Perk can handily deal with Alpha Clots, but they are particularly weak to SMGs, making SWATs the best perk to deal with them, especially given their higher magazine capacity.

Beware of their grabs, as Alpha Clots can be responsible for killing off solo or unaware players by immobilizing them, giving more dangerous enemies time to catch up and kill them. Unlike Cysts, their attacks aren't slow and they can easily wear down armor and health when grabbed.
